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To The Spiritual Path Of The Pagan
is a free spiritual education site. Offering online information and
studies to those on a path of enlightened growth. Whether you're Pagan,
Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim or traveling on any other spiritual
path, learning about other beliefs and ways, will teach you how similar
we all really are. And how our differences are nothing to fear. This
information is shared in the hope of opening one's heart to the
blessings of tolerance and acceptance to those who have chosen to walk
on the Pagan Path.
Breeds Peace
Tolerance Through

- The
purpose of this web site is to freely share the knowledge, wisdom and
diversity of
neo-Pagan concepts with
individuals who are interested in spiritual living. In today’s occult
community, spiritual seekers can find a boatload of books and resources
to search through.
- Typically
what individuals are looking for is the spiritual substance behind
rituals, ceremonies and practices. And that is something you rarely, if
ever, find in the basic rehashed metaphysical and pagan books. Many
jump right into how to create a magikal circle, what Sabbats to
practice or how to conduct a spell. Few provide little in the way of
how the Divine Universe is connected, how an individual is related to
that universal energy and how they can feel or bring a part of that
into their every day lives. People in general want to feel they are
part of something Divine and very few pagan or occult books offer
information for an individual to bring their spirituality into their
daily lives. I try to answer those questions here on Pagan's Path.
- You
will find some tid-bits and ideas for "how to" improve your own
knowledge and awareness, to empower yourself through your own abilities
and your own spiritual growth. You will find a wide range of studies in
a variety of pagan metaphysical and magikal subjects, such as Anatomy
of the Soul, Karma, Kundalini, Meditation, Psychic Development, Psychic
Tools and Divination, Holistic Healing and Reiki. And information on a
variety of religious subjects for Pagan Metaphysics (Witchcraft),
Celtic Shamanism, Wiccan, Norse and Celtic Traditions, as well as,
basic pagan principles and belief. These insights are designed
specifically to empower YOU and to provide you with a starting point
for your personal practice and research.
- Many Blessings, 🐾
- The Pagan'sPath Mission:
- PagansPath.com is a free education
network providing information, services and resources for and about
Pagans. Our goal is to educate the public in the ways of Pagan
Metaphysics (Witchcraft) to gain a better understanding of our
spirituality and our practices. This
information is shared in the hope of opening one's heart to the
blessings of tolerance and acceptance of other alternative beliefs. To
bring peace where there is religious conflict, to find respect for our
similarities; instead of fear of our differences.
- Our
Motto: Spreading Tolerance Through Education
- Pagan
Metaphysics 101: The Beginning of
new book from Lady SpringWolf
- Available Now from Schiffer Publishing:
- Gain an introductory understanding of
metaphysical concepts from a pagan perspective, beginning with the
first principles of the creation of the Universe through the Celestial
Soul Groups and their influence upon the evolution of life and
expansion of spirit. From basic metaphysical models, the reader learns
about the anatomy of the Soul and how it is connected to the Spirit and
the Divine Universal Energy. Answers are provided for important
questions: Of what is the Soul made? How does it learn? Where are those
memories kept within the Spiritual Being? How does the Soul connect
through energy to the physical body, other spirits, and the Greater
Divine Consciousness within the Universe? Through this learning
process, individuals can walk through every moment of the day with a
sense of higher purpose, greater connection to their spiritual mission,
and with insight to meet their personal and spiritual goals.
several areas of study to choose from here on Pagan's Path.
- Choose one of the topic areas below
or for those looking for general information, you might like to start
with the Frequently Asked Questions
For those looking to begin your research, you might like to start with
the Getting Started
A Parents Guide
- To Protecting Their Child With Craft
A Guide To Children
- Interested In Magikal Paths
Pagan Parenting
Religious Similarities:
- We're more alike than you think.
Government Is Secular.
- Not Christian!
The Recognized Religion
- Metaphysics
- Where does the Soul come from, how
does it relate to the Universal Spirit, to the physical body and to
life in general. Understanding the basics of spirituality, from Cosmic
Cycles, Living in Balance, Reincarnation and Karma is the underlying
key to many spiritual paths, especially Paganism. You'll find several
basic step-by-step How To's for learning and experiencing Meditation,
Divination, and caring for your day to day spiritual path.
- .
- Witchcraft
& Shamanism
Learn about the basics of the religion of Witchcraft, Shamanism, magik,
what you need, how to get started, as well as, a little history.
Understanding the basic principles, beliefs and practices of pagans
through ritual, ceremony and way of life. Then take in some details
about a few traditions, the Celtic path, Norse, and Wicca.
- .
- The
Healing Circle
Experience the gentle energy of holistic healing energy and
perceptions. Understand how your thoughts and actions relate to your
general state of health and physical condition. Learn how to determine
the underlying causes of any illness and how you can use the Divine
energy within yourself and the universe to resolve issues, ease pain
and aid in the healing of disease.
- .
- Pagan's
Path Message Board
- We invite you to share your own
thoughts, ideas and insights with others in the pagan community. Got a
question? This is the place to ask it. Think you can offer an answer?
This is the place to leave and help others who are learning and
- If
you sent an email through the Contact Page and haven't received a
reply; it could be because you didn't supply a valid email address. In
that case, you may find an answer to your email on the PagansPath
Message Board.
- .

- Pagan
- Don't miss our Pagan
Awareness articles.
Government Is Secular.
Awareness Champaign
- About
- Here we share the History of
PagansPath.com,. How our Guardian and Icon Logo came to be. Who is Lady
SpringWolf and what are her qualifications. And what is the Clan of the
- Email
The Path
- Submit your feedback or question.
Please feel free to send a message about the site, topic suggestions,
ask a question or submit a healing/affirmation request.
- .
- In
The News - Archive
- In
October 2009 we made our last update to this section of the website.
Instead we suggest those interested in Pagan news visit Topix's Pagan
News Feed @ www.topix.com/religion/pagan-wiccan.
You can still review our News
Archive and the past stories we were interested in.
- You might also like to visit:
Liberty League
ACLU's Religious Freedom Page
Tolerance - Wiccan/Neo-Pagan News
RSS - Religion
News Feed - Witchcraft (Excellent Resource)
This site is best
viewed in
1100x768, and
256 Color Display
If you're interested in using
any of the information from PagansPath.com, please see my
page for details and
- Sadly people take parts or entire
articles from PagansPath and put them on their own sites, claiming the
work as their own. Stealing the work of others is not what a respectful
wise pagan would do. It's also annoying to those who actually do the
work and research. I keep track of those who take my work and claim it
as their own.
Copyright Infringement Tracking
Copyright Infringement
The lessons
here on Pagan's Path are offered in formal classes at Spring's Haven
Spring's Haven is
focused on understanding spirituality to bring about tolerance and
Our goal is to
facilitate holistic spiritual awareness, enlightenment, wellness and
empowerment through education and
celebration. The Center is a non-member organization.
participate because they want to
share in hope, community and friendship with
other spiritual beings.
PagansPath.com Sponsor Store.
Your purchase helps support the continuing mission to Spread Tolerance
Through Education. Each item you purchase provides a contribution to
PagansPath.com and helps us cover the internet expenses and services
associated with our efforts. Choose from T-shirts for children and
adults, cups and mugs, mouse pads, tote bags, magikal Grimoires and
more. |
A proud sponsor of
The Pagan Charitable
Created by The
Officers Of Avalon
Keeping the home fires burning for
our service men and women around the world.
Was Established On
Ostara, 1999

Your Rights Safe? |
was born from
SpringIce Network's
Original Education Site
Established On
October 2, 1996
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The Pagan Awareness Ribbon Campaign.
click the Ribbon and learn how you can spread awareness and tolerance.