
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
From Pagan's Path (paganspath.com)and
SpringWolf - Author of Pagan Metaphysics
Due out in the Fall of 2011 from Schiffer Publishing

- This page contains:
- Getting The Basics
- What is Pagan, neo-Pagan etc?
- What is Paganism?
- Is Witchcraft Real or Legal?
- What Is Witchcraft?
- What Witchcraft Isn't!
- Is Witchcraft evil?
- What Is A Witch?
- What Is A Warlock?
- What Is A Wizard?
- What Is A Shaman/Shamanka?
- What Is Shamanism?
- What Is A Coven?
- What Is A Solitaire?
- Do Pagans Go To Church?
- .
- Do You Cast Spells?
- What Is A Spell?
- Can I Cast A Spell?
- Can I Have A Spell?
- What Is Wica/Wicca?
- What Is A Tradition?
- How Many Traditions Are There?
- What Are Christo Pagans?
- What is Black Magik / Magic?
- How Do You Become A Witch?
- How Can I Learn More?
- Words of Warning.
- Pagans and Politics?
- Where Can I Get More Information?
- Where Can I Get Help?
Getting The Basics
- Every set of beliefs or religion has it's basic
concepts and it's misconceptions. On this posting, I hope to give you
some answers to the most frequently asked questions received from
emails, my message board, chat rooms and even during my formal realtime
What is Pagan, neo-Pagan ,
Witchcraft, Pagan Metaphysics etc?
- There is a lot of confusion about labels and how
they're used to describe Witchcraft. The best place to start is with a
look at the dictionary definition so everyone has a common point of
- Pagan:
- Any religion that does not espouse to (follows)
Abrahamic doctrine. Abrahamic doctrine is the foundation of belief for
Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
- neo-Pagan:
- Contrary to what some believe, "neo-" pagan isn't
a new term. It has been around for over 1000 years or more. It was
coined to define a group of pagan practices that align themselves
specifically with nature. Today's Witchcraft is more neo-pagan than
anything else.
- Witchcraft:
- A religion of Indo-European origins based in the
foundation of respect and honor. Recognizing and believing that all
things, seen and unseen throughout the divine universe are
- Pagan Metaphysics:
- Because of the centuries of propaganda and
negative connotation to the title "Witchcraft" a new label has begun to
emerge for the religion, Pagan Metaphysics.
What is Paganism?
- The literal meaning is the practices of a pagan,
which could be any pagan religion. Today it's more associated with the
practices of nature religions such as Witchcraft or Indo-European
Is Witchcraft Real or Legal?
First and foremost, Witchcraft IS
a legally recognized religion in the United States. Officially
recognized in 1985 after a short battle in congress and the supreme
court. Witchcraft or 'practice of the wise' as it is sometimes known,
came under fire by a bill submitted to Congress by Jesse Helms. The
Helms amendment came under great fire by both Constitutional and Bill
of Rights supporters. In the end, the bill was shot down stating Pagan
paths are protected under the 1st Amendment.
- After this ruling, the US Army added a section to the
U.S. Army Chaplains Handbook
for Witchcraft practices. The handbook lists the religion as Wicca,
which is one of the modern sects of the faith. However, in the 'known
by other names' sections; you'll find Witchcraft listed, which is the
more accurate label for the religion as a whole.
- Witchcraft, in all its incarnations, is probably one
of the longest and most persecuted religions in history, as stated by
the University of Virginia. And unfortunately that persecution
continues today.
What Is Witchcraft? What is
Paganism? What is Pagan Metaphysics?
- You can ask the question in many different ways,
using any of the above labels and you're basically asking the same
thing. To make things simple, we'll call it Witchcraft.
- Witchcraft is a religion and a way of life. There are
many definitions, but the one I like most is:
- Witchcraft is a religion that respects all living
things, seen and unseen in the divine universe.
- It is a spiritual path that sets the foundation
of metaphysical beliefs. It is comprised of many denominations which we
call traditions. These traditions put our beliefs into practice and
sometimes further details or defines what those beliefs are. Think of
it this way; Wicca is to Witchcraft; what Baptist is to Christianity.
There is a common set of beliefs in Christianity; and the many
denominations of Christianity put those beliefs into practice in
various ways.
- In most traditions Witchcraft is symbolized by
honoring the male and female aspects of the Divine universe, within the
self and around nature as a whole. The Divine encompasses the
manifestation of the male and female as a God and Goddess combination.
Most pagans assign mythological deities, or pantheons, to these aspects
of the Divine, to give them form and substance. Much like Christians do
with images of Jesus or the Crucifix as a representation of Jesus and
God. But this is not a requirement, nor is it a consistence practice
across all denominations of Witchcraft.
- It's really important to remember that not all who
follow Witchcraft are Polytheistic. Some denominations see the Divine
as a single all inclusive source which is often referred to as the
Universal Spirit, the Divine Spirit, the GreatSpirits and a variety of
other titles including God or Goddess. It's really up to you and what
label best fits your view of the Divine force on your own personal path
and perspective. My tradition follows the path of non-Polytheistic.
Where some traditions see the Divine as a tree who's branches are
represented by different Gods and Goddesses, we see the Divine as the
entire Tree. Why work with just an aspect of the branches, when you can
work with the entire Tree. So in this regard my tradition isn't
Polytheistic in the concept of a God/Goddess duality. We see the divine
as the GreatSpirits and we see the divine as that entire tree which we
are part of. Thus we put an emphasis on the plural "GreatSpirits"
meaning the Divine is made up of all things.
- Those who do choose to work on a polytheistic path,
work to honor the deity/deities, not worship. It's a small distinction
but an important one. Worship implies a force outside the self, honor
in this context refers to the Divine within or part of the self. A
person typically selects a Pantheon to work with, such as the Greek
Gods and Goddesses, or Norse Gods and Goddesses. Within this group, a
person will often choose a single God figure and single Goddess figure
to be their patron deities. Their rituals, prayers, spells and workings
will call upon these figures primarily, or other figures within the
Pantheon to join forces with the primary God/goddess for whatever the
purpose or intent of the working is. These chosen deities do not have
to be a choice for life. As you learn and grow so will your needs and
interests. As such, you may also feel a need to change your connection
to the Divine by working with different Gods or Goddesses.
- Many suggest that Witchcraft is an "Earth based
religion", which it is, but this is actually a minor definition.
Witchcraft is a 'Universal' based religion, believing in the seen and
unseen forces in all nature here on Earth and in the greater universe.
It is a religion of honor and respect for all living things.
- Basic Foundation of Belief:
- Those who practice Witchcraft most often hold a
belief in reincarnation, karma, connecting with energy that lives in
all things, ghosts and spirits, and other metaphysical principles. You
can find more detail about the basic beliefs on the Metaphysics 101 section. Further details
into the practices and some of the traditional practices can be found
on the Witchcraft & Shamanism
- - What Witchcraft Isn't!
- Witchcraft is not
Satanism nor does it worship the Devil as some prejudices claim. Pagans
do not believe in the existence of the Devil. It would be difficult to
worship that type of spirit when you don't believe it exists in the
first place. This is a concept create by the early Catholic Church to
force pagans to repent and convert to Christianity.
- It's important to note that Satanism is not a
religion of the Devil as well. While Satanism is a pagan religion, they
do not believe in nor do they worship the Biblical concept of the
Is Witchcraft evil?
- No! People, no matter what region they practice, and
their actions can be 'evil'. There are good a bad people in all walks
of life regardless of religion.
- Witchcraft is a religion of respect and honor. Most
traditions of Witchcraft maintain a creed of
faith or rede that define the
basic principles of their practice. Within all the creeds I have
researched (and note that I have not by any means researched all),
there is always a statement of some kind statement noting the
responsibility and accountability of our own actions. Wiccans define
this as "An in it, do harm to none". Not all traditions follow this
exact phrasing, but do have a similar perspective.
- You can learn more about Witchcraft through several
mainstream sources, besides here on the Pagan's
What Is A Witch?
- The simple definition is a person who practices the
art of energy manipulation; what we call Magik. This label is typically
associated with Anglo-Celtic, Celtic and Southern Teutonic magik traditions. However, the label "witch" is
not specific to any one religion.
- There are Witches in Witchcraft just as there are in
other religions. There are Christian Witches, Jewish Witches (more
often called Mystics), Satanic Witches, Voodoun Witches and many more.
Each of these religions use the label witch, or variations, to describe
a person who includes magik as part of their beliefs and practices.
- Being a witch is a choice, not a birth right or
predestined path. A person can chose to work with energy through
healing; but that doesn't make them a Witch. Lighting a candle in
church and saying a prayer to Jesus, doesn't make someone a Witch.
There is no witch DNA, or witch chromosome. So it's important to know
that no one is 'born a witch' or can claim to be a 'natural witch'.
Even people with natural talents must first accept them and chose to
use them. And then chose how they are to be used and on what path.
- Finally, not all who walk on the religious path of
Witchcraft practice magik. Therefore they don't claim the label witch
for their own use. And not who practice magik, use it on a spiritual
path at all. Most of these follow the principles of Spellcraft and not
a religious view such as Witchcraft. Spellcrafters often prefer the
label Mage, instead of Witch, to make a distinction between their magik
practices and those of spiritual witches.
What Is A Warlock?
(Scottish, Anglo-Saxon) Meaning
'Oath Breaker':
- An ancient term often misused for a male witch.
It is a term used in early paganism to represent a worker of evil.
Loosely translated it means "liar" or "Oath Breaker". It is often
offensive to most modern male witches.
(Norse) Meaning 'Wise Man' or
'Wise Wizard':
- The Norse derivation derives from 'vardlokkur'
which meant a man with the power of binding spirits using runes, calls
and knot-magic. It was also used as the label for the Gate Keepers or
Guardians who protected spiritual knowledge and wisdom. In Norse
traditions, this label is still accepted and used today.
What Is A Wizard?
- (Anglo-Saxon) Includes both sexes; One who is born
with naturally given talents, energies and great knowledge of Magikal
practices. One who adheres to the pagan traditions. A wizard usually
acts alone and is sometimes considered to be a semi-divine authority.
Merlin would be a good example. However, this divine perception is
often rejected and most often redirected to the proper deities by the
wizard himself/herself.
- Everyone is born with gifts and talents, however, a
wizard is born with an inner instinct toward magikal practices. That
person still has to make the 'choice' to use those gifts on the pagan
path. A witch or wizard is making a choice to follow the principles and
beliefs of the pagan path and exercise their given talents. They are
not born with an all knowing wisdom. Just like everyone else; they have
learning to do and wisdom to achieve.
What Is A Shaman/Shamanka?
- (Sanskrit) In the strictest definition "one who lives
life in self-denial for spiritual purpose". However, this word is more
often viewed through it's secondary meaning "one who is dedicated to a
spiritual life achieving a level of leadership and teaching". The term
began in India and slowly migrated in two directions. The first moved
through Germany, Scotland, Ireland, and on to North America. The second
moved through the Orient, Russia and on to the North western sections
of North America . Shaman is the masculine variation, Shamanka is the
female version.
What Is Shamanism?
- (Siberia, UralAltaic, Irish/Scottish, Central Asia,
Orient) A very highly respected profession wherein one serves his or
her community as a spiritual leader. Providing guidance through psychic
skills, healing abilities and communications with Divine spirit.
Believed to be learned from a past incarnation and initiations, along
with study and practice in the current embodiment.
- Shamanism is most often associated with Native
American practices. But this is only one version of Shamanistic
practices. Native American beliefs are very similar in respect to
working with nature; but some Native Americans reject the label Shaman.
Preferring instead Medicine man or woman.
- Shamanism has a long history in Anglo-European
countries as well. Although given different labels in each culture, the
practices of a Shaman (male) or Shamanka (female) are magikal. As such,
in most pagan traditions, a person cannot claim the title of Shaman
(spiritual leader) without an initiation of some sort. You might
associate this initiation with an Ordination of a minister or priest. A
person must achieve a certain level of knowledge and wisdom; endure
trials or tests of their abilities and then they are ordained into
Shamanhood by another Shaman.
- Shamanism is both a religion separate from
Witchcraft, and a sect or specific denomination of Witchcraft. Nothing
like a little confusion huh? There are many forms of Shamanism, some
stand on their own, while others have been incorporated into
neo-Paganism belief systems that we've come to know as Witchcraft.
Personally, I practice a form of Celtic
Shamanism. I am not a witch, but do practice a form of Shamanistic
What is a Coven?
- Many people practice within a group of like minded
Practitioners . Often these groups follow the same tradition. These are
called Covens, Clans, Groves and a few other labels. Click here to
learn more about a Coven, Grove and Alike.
What is a Solitaire?
- Not everyone who practices the religion of Witchcraft
does so within a group. Whither by choice or because they have not
located others in their area to form a group. People who practice
alone, and walk on their own traditional path are called Solitaires.
You can learn more through the article on the Witchcraft and Shamanism
section - Solitary vs. Coven Practices
Do Pagans Go To Church?
- Yes and no. When most people think of church the
think of a building with a chapel and pews. While some traditions have
structures they utilize for gatherings, these aren't the common
gathering places. Pagans typically gather together in circles for
ritual. These gatherings are typically held outside weather permitting.
Some organizations like to gather within some kind of structure, such
as a covered gazebo type building. Open to nature, but covered from the
weather. One famous circle structure is Stonehenge and many covens have
taken the time to reproduce that structure on their own ceremonial
- There is no standard place or structure for
gathering. Covens try to accommodate the needs and desires of their
membership and conduct rituals accordingly. They can be inside,
outside, in circles, squares, or triangles. Some groups are so large,
that it only makes sense to have gatherings in a standard
pulpit/audience type set up. These days, having a ritual with a bonfire
in the center is very popular. Many covens have acquired brass fire
pits to safely enjoy a bonfire for their ritual workings. And those
tend to be best used outside.
Do You Cast Spells?
- Not all Practitioners of the religion of Witchcraft
cast spells or circles. Others may use spells on special occasions, or
for special events in their life. While others still are very involved
in magikal practices; both on personal levels and within a group; such
as their coven or clan.
What Is A Spell?
- A spell is a focus of energy, manipulated and cast
for a specific intent or purpose. Focused by energy, intent, sometimes
tools or other supports, such as elixirs or potions. But, within the
religion of Witchcraft, they are always conducted through a ritual or
ceremony. Many who do combine magik with religion, often combine the
practice of spell casting with their chosen divine being or deity.
- It's important to remember that Witchcraft is not
about "spells" or "casting". It's a serious expression of a spiritual
way of life. One which utilizes spells in it's rituals and ceremonies.
Can I Cast A Spell?
- If you don't understand the basics of energy
manipulation, how energy works or can be conducted, then don't cast
until you understand what you're doing. If you don't understand the
consequences or accountability you are responsible for in casting a
spell, then don't cast until you have a good understanding of these
things. You can see the last question on this page to learn more.
Can I Have A Spell?
- Many people ask us for a spell. The most common "A
love spell" or a "Revenge spell".
- Practitioners within the religion of Witchcraft do
not often, if ever, share their spells. A spell is personal and defines
your own personal intent. It's your spell, it's your energy and there
is no greater expression of that energy than through your own words as
a spell. In a teaching situation, a witch might give you an example of
what is said during a particular section of a ceremony. But most often
these are just examples. You should still create your own.
- Practitioners of Witchcraft rarely if ever cast
spells that manipulate the actions or emotions of another being. In
most cases this is considered to be spiritual rape and manipulation. It
is not the work of a person who honors or respects the forces of
nature. To be so disrespectful as to force someone else into doing
something against their will is considered a negative act. No matter
how much you love someone, casting a spell upon them is not going to
make them love you long term. If your desires work, they will only work
for a brief period and you will never know if the person loves you for
you, or because of the false spell you cast upon them. Eventually your
magik will wear off and you'll have to deal with the consequences of
your actions. These are always painful and emotionally devastating.
- Simply put, what you put out into the universe will
come back to you. If you put out good thoughts, energies and
intentions, then good will be returned to you. By the same token, if
you put out negative thoughts, energies and actions, negative events
and energies will be returned to you. This is a basic principle in many
religions around the world.
What Is A Wica/Wicca?
- The religion of Witchcraft has many denominations,
what we call Traditions or Trads. Wicca is a denomination with the
religion, but it's not the first or the only one. Think of it this way;
Wicca is to Witchcraft what a Baptist is to Christianity. Most Wiccans believe that the universal
energy works through a polarity, a yin-yang or masculine-feminine
interaction. In other traditions such Dianic Witchcraft, only the
aspects of the Goddess are celebrated.
- Wicca is a relatively new tradition in Witchcraft,
founding in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner. You will find Wicca spelt in
two variations: Wica and Wicca. Gardner spelt his tradition as Wica.
Later Practitioners assumed he mis-spelt the label and that he based
the title of his tradition on the Old English word Wicca which
translates to "wise one". (Wicca ~ masculine / Wicce ~ feminine). Thus
the second spelling has become more popular and common.
What Is A Tradition?
- Every religion has variations of practice. Formal
organizations of this practice are often called a sect, denomination or
tradition. In Witchcraft these sects are commonly called traditions.
Witchcraft defines the basic beliefs and principles of the religion,
while the traditions put those beliefs into practice, often times
further detailing the principles through their individual practices.
Here on the Pagan'sPath, you'll find several traditions discussed,
Celtic, Celtic Shamanism, Norse, Wiccan and as time progresses, you'll
find more.
How Many Traditions Are
- Several, some are relatively new, such as Seax-Wica
which was formed in 1972. While others are based in ancient family or
cultural traditions, such as the Druids who can be found as far back as
the 5th Century A.D. Here are just a few of the documented traditions:
- Alexandrian
- Ásatrú
- Celtic
Creabh Ruadh
Deborean Wicca
- Faery
- Feri
Golden Dawn
- Norse
North Country
North Isles
Ordo Templi Orientis
- Pecti-Wita
Reformed Druids
Sacred Wheel
Tuatha De Danonn
Ueleda Tradition
West Country
Wica / Wicca
Y Tylwyth Teg
What are Christo Pagans?
- Christo Pagans is a relatively new designation for
Pagans who have successfully merged the religious doctrines of
Witchcraft and Christianity. They are also called Christan Wiccans in
some sects.
- Yes it is possible to merge these two religions
together. Typically, these people believe in the teachings of the
Christian Bible, but they stop short of believing that Jesus was a
savior who died for their sins. Just as a pagan may chose a set of
deities to honor (ie: the God, the Goddess, the Godhead), Christian
Wiccans do the same thing. They see the God as Jesus, the Goddess as
Mary, and the Godhead or Holy Trinity as Jehovah.
- Don't confuse Christian Wiccans with Christian
Witches. They're not the same thing. Witch is a label that is used in
any religion to designate a person who practices the craft of magik, or
the science of energy manipulation. Witches exist in all religions,
including Christianity. Most people have a narrow view of Christians
based on the indo-European perceptions. But consider the magical
practices of cultures in Central and South America. These people are
devout Christians, who just happen to also believe in magik.
What is Black Magik /
Magic? What is White Magik? What is Nature Magik?
- Most practitioners of magik will say there is no
color in magik and that's true to some extent. But that doesn't mean
the idea of black, white or nature magik doesn't exist in today's
- Black Magik is typically known as magikal practices
with negative intent. That means doing harm or trying to control
others. Most practitioners of Witchcraft do not associate with these
kinds of practices, seeing them as non-productive and producing
negative karma. It goes against the spiritual aspects of the religion
and in most cases is considered to be spiritual rape (as in forcing
someone to do something they might not normally do).
- White Magik is the opposite of course, focusing on
positive intent or actions. Even with a positive intent, white magik
can be used to control the will of others. Because of that, it holds a
similar accountability as those actions conducted under the concepts of
black magik. Think of it this way. Conducting a healing for a relative
dying of cancer in order for that person to continue living is
admirable. But the consequences are you could be forcing that person to
live longer in immense pain and suffering for your own selfish need.
Just because White Magik is intended to be helpful doesn't mean it's
always a good idea to cast.
- Nature Magik may also be called Green Magik. However
there are Green Magicians who would argue with that perspective. In
general, Nature Magik is the practice of Balance. Whither we want to
see it or not, Nature is filled with balance. It sees there is a need
for fight equal to a need for flight. Each has it's consequences, each
has it's place. A victim of rape may cast a negative spell against her
attacker in order for him to be caught by police and prosecuted for his
crime. A healer may cast a spell for a cancer patient to provide
spiritual energy for their soul to choose between life and transition
to death as they see fit. The key is accepting the accountability and
responsibility of the intent behind the magik one invokes.
How Do You Become A Witch?
- Make the choice and learn all you can.
- If what you're really interested in is becoming a
practitioner of Witchcraft:
- Some people are born into a family of Practitioners
and raised pagan. Others convert, and others simply proclaim themselves
as pagan and take on the title of Witch. But most often it depends on
which tradition a person follows.
- For instance a child born into the Celtic tradition
is welcomed through a magikal ritual and ceremony called a Paganing Rite, much like a
baptism in the Christian faith. But a child does not automatically gain
the right be called a witch until they participate in a "Coming of Age" ritual. In this
ceremony the child makes a proclamation of choice and a dedication to
themselves and to the spiritual path. They must also perform a small
ritual to prove they are ready for the journey. In most cases this
ritual is reciting a spiritual credo which they must write themselves.
The credo includes the definition and announcement of their magikal
path and a ceremonial craft name.
- In most traditions this is a dedication of faith, not
an initiation. For those people who wish to convert to the religion of
Witchcraft, a Dedication
ceremony is an appropriate step onto that path. In both cases, this is
an event that proclaims belief and acknowledges the dedication to
learning on the pagan path. In other words, in many traditions just
claiming the title of witch does not make you one. You must earn the
right to take on the label.
- Many traditions carry this practice a step farther
and require an official Initiation
ceremony. This can be as a simple ritual conducted by a Coven or
community leader. To the more elaborate, requiring a series of tests
that must be passed before claiming a title, such as witch, Priest,
Priestess, Mage or Shaman. For additional information, see the
PagansPath's Getting Started article as
- If you are under 18, please understand that it is
against the law for any adult to teach you a religious belief without
the consent of your parents. Considering Witchcraft is a religion of
respect, lying or hiding your beliefs or research from your parents is
not respect. I urge everyone, adults and minors alike to read two
postings on this site:
A Parents Guide To Protecting Their Child
With Craft Interests
Guide To Children Interested In Magikal Paths
How Can I Learn More?
- If you are one of the many people looking for
information on how to become a witch, there are a few things you should
ask yourself first.
- What is your reason for wanting to be a Witch?
If your reason is simply so you can cast a spell, it's the wrong reason
and you might find more information if you look for Spellcraft, than
Witchcraft. If your reasons are truly from an interest in the faith or
you feel drawn to Witchcraft as a religion, then you maybe on the right
path. But you should learn more and make an informed decision.
- Are you willing to live by the spiritual laws as
a way of life?
If you are, or if you're not sure, do a lot of research on your own and
find out as much as you can about the path you've chosen.
- How Do I Get Started?
Read, learn and read a lot more. Do your own research, and not just
from magikal books or reference manuals. Through studying history,
other religions and how they all inter-relate and interact. I have a
favorite saying for this type of education: "Books can give you
knowledge. But only your own personal experiences give you wisdom to
decide your own path."
My Getting Started page lists the
information and resources I provide to my students who have recently
stepped onto the path. You'll also find a first assignment, and
specific book suggestions.
Words of Warning.
- Don't take one persons word or teachings as the only
truth or as the only way on this or any spiritual path. No one person
has all the answers for you. Only you know what rings true within your
own heart and soul.
- When it comes time for you to chose a mentor, be very
cautious. There are a lot of novice people claiming to be a High Priest
or Priestess. The best advice I could give is find someone who can
prove they have practiced the path for several years (my standard is 10
years or more with formal education and a document of initiation).
Don't just take their word for it. Find someone who is willing to
answer your questions without charging you money. Taking a class and
paying for an instructors time is not the same thing as finding a
spiritual teacher. What you should really be looking for is a mentor or
guide, not a person who thinks they have the right to tell you what to
do or believe.
- Lastly, always question! Question everything you are
told and everything you read. Research other material to validate what
you are being told or what you read in a book. Make sure that a book is
supported by other books and by history itself.
Be Aware of Your Rights
- If you think the Burning Times are long ago and
remembered only in history books, you're wrong. Although a little more
subtle than death, witches are still persecuted today in many ways and
all over the world. In some places, women who are accused of Witchcraft
are still stoned to death. Persecutions today are held in HR
departments, Court rooms and even in public schools. Neo-pagans still
face the threat of losing the right to practice their beliefs and must
continually fight for Freedom of Religion. You'll find more information
the Path's Religious Awareness pages.
Pagans And Politics
- When people first get started on a spiritual path,
many ask "What is your view on X", where X is usually a social issue.
Pagans are ordinary people, just like anyone and we have a wide range
of views and positions on political issues. While I cannot speak for
the opinions of all Pagans, I can discuss the basic principles outlined
in the teachings of Pagan Metaphysical theology covering LGBTA, Same
Sex marriage, abortion, Creationism and Evolution, and more. Visit Pagans And Politics
on Springwolf's Creation to learn more.
Where Can I Get More
- You can begin your study through several
publications. Below is a list of a few I like. If you're truly
interested in beginning your study, start at the top and go through the
list. You'll also find an extensive resource on the Books
& Resources page.
- But if you can't wait, start now through the many
wonderful web sites on the internet. Of course I like this site, but
it's not the only pagan education site on the web.
- You should start with the basics, an
understanding of metaphysical principles. Then move on to the lessons
of Witchcraft. It will make your journey into magik much easier to
understand and utilize.
Some Books To Start With |
Some Articles To Start With |
My students start their research on these first 4 books to gain basic
understanding of the spirit, energy and your own inner awareness. To be
read in this specific order:
Iris Belhayes:
Spirit Guides
Sanaya Roman & Duane
Opening To Channel
Shakti Gawain:
Living In The Light
Metaphysics 101: The Beginning of Enlightenment
Spiral Dance
Margot Adler
ˇ Drawing Down the Moon
Laurie Cabot
ˇ Power of the Witch
ˇ Celebrate the Earth
ˇ The Witch In Every Woman
Scott Cunningham
ˇ Wicca, a Guide for the
Solitary Practitioner
ˇ Living Wicca
ˇ Earth Power: Techniques of
Natural Magic
Marion Green
ˇ A Witch Alone
Fergus Kelly
ˇ A Guide to Early Irish Law
Edain McCoy
ˇ Celtic Women's Spirituality
ˇ Celtic Myth & Magic
David Rice McAnally
ˇ Irish Wonders
Caitlin Matthews
ˇ The Celtic Spirit
ˇ The Celtic Devotional
ˇ The Celtic Book Of Days
ˇ The Celtic Book Of The Dead
John Matthews
ˇ The Celtic Shaman
Alwyn Rees & Brinley Rees
ˇ Celtic Heritage
ˇ The Spiral Dance
ˇ Dreaming the Dark
Patricia Telesco
ˇ The Kitchen Witch
Doreen Valiente
ˇ Natural Magik
ˇ Witchcraft For Tomorrow
ˇ An ABC Of Witchcraft |
Several How To's
Such as learning meditation, tarot, astral
projection and more.
On Springwolf Reflections:
- ~ What Is
Paganism? A Basic Description of Paganism
- & Pagan Metaphysics
Is Pagan Metaphysics?
Asked Questions
Energy & Action
& Shamanism
If you're drawn to eclectic magik, Celtic,
Wiccan, Norse or other traditions, this is
a good place to start.
The Witches Voice
Another wonderful eclectic site.
- And if you're looking for other people in
your area, you might search through the very popular WitchVox.net site.
This is the Witches Voice Community website. You can view profiles of
people, professionals and stores in your area by country or state.
- If you'd like a larger list of book
suggestions, try the Books & Resources
page. If you can't find these books in your local bookstore, try the
internet's bookstore at Amazon.com .
Where can I get help?
- If you have any questions, or need further
clarification; please feel free to contact me.
If I can help, I'd be glad to answer any additional questions, or at
the very least I might be able to point you to another resource.
- For those who enjoy social media networking, you can
follow Pagan's Path on Facebook @
~ Spring'sHaven @ http://facebook.com/springshaven
~ LadySpringWolf @ http://facebook.com/ladyspringwolf
Many Blessings,
- Director, The Pagan's Path
- President, Spring's Haven
Spiritual Center

- Created: 10.02.1996 Updated: