
 A Guide To Children Interested In A Magikal

Tribulations Of Being A Kid
- Believe it or not, most adults do remember what it's like
being a child. We've been there ourselves. The problem is sometimes
many adults forget the trials and tribulations they went through.
The hardest thing for many children is expressing their views
or beliefs to their parents. When in fact, many parents would
welcome the discussion.
- I'm not going to tell you how to be the best kid you can
be. That would probably be pointless. What I am going to try
to provide is some insight, ideas and suggestions in talking
to your parents about your beliefs. What you should know about
the religion of Witchcraft, and what to look out for as you walk
this path.
Mutual Respect
- First and foremost, Witchcraft is a religion of respect.
You can't claim to practice this belief system if you don't practice
that basic concept. If you are disrespecting your parents, you're
not practicing the path of the craft.
- Just as you want your parents to respect your views, you
should respect theirs as well. Most of the decisions your parents
make about your life are made out of love and concern for your
well being. So try to be a little thankful for that, and give
them the respect of swallowing your pride and talking to them
openly and honestly.
- Another basic concept of many Witchcraft traditions is what
you put out, you get back. So if you want respect, give it. It
will come back to you.
Starting The Journey
- Anyone wanting to learn about a new religion has to begin
with some reading and research. There's no way around it. If
you're truly interested in this religious path, begin your study
in the basic concepts of Metaphysics. When you have an understanding
of reincarnation, the soul and spiritual bodies, karma and energy,
then you can research the finer details of a Witchcraft tradition.
- I strongly suggest you start your research by talking to
your parents and asking for help. Now don't roll your eyes. If
you approach the situation with the right attitude, you most
probably will be surprised with their response.
How To Talk To Your Parents
- You will have to decide how open your relationship is to
know how to begin. If your a child who goes to church every Sunday,
you begin by finding other labels to describe your beliefs before
you talk to them. Words like Witch, spells and Witchcraft might
set your parents off and close the exchange of ideas.
- I'm not talking about being deceitful. I'm talking about
using some brain power to be able to speak with your parents
intelligently. Being a teacher, I'm often asked to take on new
students who are minors. I will not do this, without a parents
permission. In my office that means meeting with the child and
parent in a conference.
- But what I will do, is give you some ideas on how to approach
your parents for that permission. So here are some examples.
The key to this is..be open. Don't get defensive, don't get an
attitude. No matter how much you think you know; you don't know
it all.
- It might be best to pick your moment for discussion. And
sometimes it's easier for kids to talk to one parent at a time.
So while your mom if fixing dinner, or your dad is driving you
to a music or karate lesson (or whatever) ask them questions
about what they believe. The key is to listen! Their ideas are
just as valid as yours.
- You might ask, What do you think God is? Let them answer,
and then try to tell them what you believe. Or if you don't know,
say that.
- Ask them what they think happens to you when you die. Listen
to their answer. Then tell them what you believe. If you don't
know, say that. Ask them what they think of reincarnation. And
tell them what you think.
- Ask them if they believe in magik. Tell them what you think.
- Hopefully you will have gotten far enough in this conversation
where your questions are easier to ask. You might even be able
to ask additional questions based on what they say. Some where
along they way, they're going to ask you why you're asking these
questions. Be honest. Tell them because you've been thinking
about it lately. Even though you were raised, Christian or Jewish
or whatever, you're interested in other religions and you just
- The key to all these questions is asking this.. "Will
you help me do some research on the web tonight about religions?"
I'm not saying I'm going to join one, I'm just curious.
- I would suggest you learn about many religious paths. Not
just Witchcraft. So try to go with the flow. The more you learn
about many beliefs, the more you'll learn about your own.
- Start a notebook with the basics of each religion. For instance:
- It's name
- When it was founded
- Who/ if anyone founded the faith
- Where is it practiced the most
- How many people practice the belief
- What are the basic concepts of the belief
- Eventually, you'll be able to learn a great deal about many
faiths and so will your parents. You'll learn about just how
similar many faiths are.
- Another suggestion, the first religion you should research,
is the one your parents practice. Then ask them what they think
the opposite of that religion is. And look it up through a search
engine. Then ask about one of the other mainstream religions,
Christianity, Judaism, Muslim and Buddhist are the most common.
Then ask about Witchcraft. Start with our site if you like. The
Covenant of The Goddess at cog.org. or the Witches Voice at witchvox.com
are also wonderful places to start. You want a site that is light
and up beat.
What Witchcraft Isn't
- In order to talk to your parents, you should have an understanding
of what witchcraft is and isn't. I'm going to guess you know
what it is since you've gotten this far. But let's make sure
you know what it isn't.
- First and foremost, Witchcraft is not devil worship. Witchcraft
is a pre-Christian religion and we do not believe in the existence
of the devil. So it's kind of hard to worship something you don't
believe in.
- Secondly, Witchcraft is not
about spells and potions and magik. There is a big difference
between spellcraft and Witchcraft.
- Now that we've got those out of the way.
- A spell is merely a focused prayer with a specific intent
behind it. Not all people on the path of Witchcraft practice
spellcraft. Those that do, never cast upon any person without
that person's permission.
- A spell is not an easy way out of situations and in our beliefs
there are always consequences for casting.
- We do not cast to make someone else do something against
their will. That means, we don't approve of love spells, hate
spells, or spells that manipulate someone else in anyway. To
us, that is interfering with their free will and choice, and
thereby affecting the lessons or karma that person is here to
learn. In short, it's affecting the advancement of their soul
and that is a big no no.
Things To Lookout For
- Now that we have some of the basic understanding and misconceptions
out of the way. You should also know what to look for when you're
beginning your research. Here are a few tips.
- A formal teacher will not take on a minor child as a student
without written and often times, verified permission from a parent.
If you have a friend who is talking about a teacher who is teaching
them, without their parents knowledge, this is a sign of trouble.
- If a teacher can offer you nothing that proves their status
of leader or initiation as a teacher, this is a sign of trouble.
- If your getting information from websites that do not provide
information about their research material; or the research material
is based solely on modern craft books, this could be a sign of
- If your new to the path (less than a year) then there is
no way you have a complete understanding of the religion to be
casting spells. That's a sign of trouble; period!
- If you are casting spells to harm someone, or threatening
to cast a spell on someone, (good, bad, or indifferent) this
is a major sign of trouble and a complete lack of understanding
about this religion.
- If you're casting spells to bind or protect someone, this
is also a sign of trouble. We do not "bind" people.
We can only protect our selves, or those who ask for the help
on themselves. Never upon someone who doesn't know the spell
is being cast upon them.
- If you're only talking about spells, this is a sign of trouble
and lack of research. -- do you see a pattern here? --
- Modern media focuses on spellcraft without fully knowing
what they're talking about. Consequently, people want to be like
what they see on TV. We're nothing like that.
- If you're claiming to be a natural witch or born witch; there's
no such thing. There is no witch DNA. Being a witch is a spiritual
choice, not a birth right. No one is born a witch and no one
is born a religion. Even being raised in a home with a particular
religion, does not make one a member of that religion; unless
they chose to be so.
- If you're claiming to have psychic gifts and is therefore
a witch. Nope wrong again. Being psychic is not specific to one
religion over an other. And it certainly doesn't make someone
an automatic witch.
- If you're claiming to have "power"; Nope, wrong
again. Power is an illusion. No one can have more a less power
than anyone else. There is emotional "power" in having
a spiritual path but that is considerably different than being
self powerful.
- If you're claiming to be part of a coven, sign of trouble.
Either it is really a group of friends who are working as a study
group; in which case you should call it that. It's a group of
kids who have banded together to practice rituals; in which case
it's doubtful any of you have the experience or knowledge to
truly do this. Or it's a group of people who are more interested
in the size of their group than the ethics of a real coven. All
these can be a sign of trouble.
So What Do You Do?
- There are many well written books on the subject of witchcraft.
The problem most of us in the community have is, many will only
read the modern publications and not even do the basic research
concerning the concepts of the religion itself.
- If you're truly interested in this path, then you should
first and foremost, study the basic concepts of metaphysics.
Read and research the history of religions and how they each
have evolved over the many thousands of years. You should be
open to all paths of knowledge and not condemn anyone's beliefs.
All positive paths are valid and right for that person who believes
in them.
- You should study archeology, anthropology; especially if
you believe in a tradition that is based on an ancient culture,
such as Dianic Wicca or Celtic traditions.
- After all this basic research, then you can begin basic study
into magik.
- Now there are several well researched and documented websites
about the craft. Many we have listed on our Frequently
Asked Questions page. There are several books, which we have
listed on our Books and Resources
page. You can also do research at Amazon.com for additional books
and resources.
- I hope this article has given you some ideas into how to
be open with your parents. I hope you can build on these ideas
and create a closer relationship with them. I also hope it has
given you some suggestions to make talking to your parents a
little easier and maybe even a little less frightening.
- I'm often asked to speak to parent groups, so if you have
any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Most of us who are teachers of our faith, really do understand
the concerns non-pagan parents have. Like your parents, we too
want you to be safe and follow a path that is right for them.
- Many Blessings -
- Spring
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- Sources: 1
- Created:04.21.2000 Updated: