
 Which Witch is Which?
- Labels & Titles

Almost everyone wants to put aspects of life
into categories. To give it a name or label to segregate this
group from that group. Pagans are no different than anyone else
in this regard. People want to be able to call them self something
that represents who they are and what they believe, or their
standing within their community. Labels and titles are simply
a way to do that. Not everyone feels the need to take on a label.
And that's ok too.
- For those that do, whither you call yourself a pagan, a witch,
eclectic or a Celtic pagan, the label you chose should feel comfortable.
To do that, you should learn about the label you chose, what
it means and how it relates to your perceptions of your path.
What is a Witch?
- A witch in a simple definition is a person who practices
the art of energy manipulation; what we call Magik. This label
is typically associated with Anglo-Celtic, Celtic and Southern
Teutonic magik traditions. However,
the label "witch" is not specific to any one religion.
- There are Witches in Witchcraft, Christian Witches, Jewish
Witches (more often called Mystics), Satanic Witches, Voodoun
Witches and many more. Each of these religions use the label
witch, or variations, to describe a person who includes magik
as part of their beliefs and practices.
- Being a witch is a choice, not a birth right or predestined
path. A person can chose to work with energy through healing;
but that doesn't make them a Witch. Lighting a candle in church
and saying a prayer to Jesus, doesn't make someone a Witch. There
is no witch DNA, or witch chromosome. So it's important to know
that no one is 'born a witch' or can claim to be a 'natural witch'.
Even people with natural talents must first accept them and chose
to use them. And then chose how they are to be used and on what
path. Being a witch is a choice and nothing more or less.
- Finally, not all who walk on the religious path of Witchcraft
practices magik. Therefore they don't claim the label witch for
their own use. And not all who practice magik, use it on a spiritual
path at all. Most of these follow the principles of Spellcraft
and not a religious path view such as Witchcraft. Spellcrafters
often prefer the label Mage, instead of Witch, to make a distinction
between their magik practices and those of spiritual witches.
What is a Warlock?
- Warlock is also often associated with a male witch. However
it is important to note the 2 distinct meanings of the word,
because using this label is not accurate from a Saxon perspective.
- Warlock comes from two root words and has 3 meanings:
- The Anglo-saxon meaning, 'oath-breaker' is the most common
use of the word. The label has fallen from use and is often seen
as a derogatory title.
- The Old Norse word 'vardlokkur' which has been translated
to warlock. There are debates about the exact translation of
the word in it's original form. Additionally there are debates
about it's meaning. However there are several mythological tales
about the Vardlokkur guarding the gates of knowledge. In these
legends, the Vardlokkur were the wise men of divine knowledge
who protected that wisdom and guarded it with their lives. The
magik of the vardlokkur was/is to ward off evil spirits and to
lock or bind them up, keeping the sacred wisdom safe. Some also
call the vardlokkur the Norse Guards or Guardians. The warriors
of the spiritual community. In this context a Norse practioner
might use the world warlock to represent their personal path
and preference of this label.
- In the Scots dialect the word warlock, means a 'cunning man'
or 'male white witch', it is rarely used today, if at all.
What Is A Wizard?
- (Anglo-Saxon) Includes both sexes; One who is born with naturally
given talents, energies and great knowledge of Magikal practices.
One who adheres to the pagan traditions. A wizard usually acts
alone and is sometimes considered to be a semi-divine authority.
Merlin would be a good example. However, this divine perception
is often rejected and most often redirected to the proper deities
by the wizard himself/herself.
- Everyone is born with gifts and talents, however, a wizard
is born with an inner instinct toward magikal practices. That
person still has to make the 'choice' to use those gifts on the
pagan path. A witch or wizard is making a choice to follow the
principles and beliefs of the pagan path and exercise their given
talents. They are not born with an all knowing wisdom. Just like
everyone else; they have learning to do and wisdom to achieve.
What Is A Shaman/Shamanka?
- (Sanskrit) In the strictest definition "one who lives
life in self-denial for spiritual purpose". However, this
word is more often viewed through it's secondary meaning "one
who is dedicated to a spiritual life achieving a level of leadership
and teaching". The term began in India and slowly migrated
in two directions. The first moved through Germany, Scotland,
Ireland, and on to North America. The second moved through the
Orient, Russia and on to the North western sections of North
America . Shaman is the masculine variation, Shamanka is the
female version.
Magikal Path Labels
- There are typically 3 labels used to define the practice
or an individual within the Craft community.
- Solitaire -
A person who has dedicated their spiritual life to a pagan path
and are practicing alone or within their immediate family unit.
- Practioner -
A person who has dedicated their spiritual life to a specific
tradition and practices alone or within their family unit.
- Coven Memeber
A person who has been initiated within a formally organized coven,
clan, grove or the like
Hierarchical Titles
- Titles are a little different than labels. Titles are labels
that are earned. Not taken on to be impressive or to create a
false sense of importance. So when it comes to saying you're
a Shaman, Priest or High Priestess, make sure you have the right
to take on those titles and you're not misrepresenting yourself
to others. There are many Hierarchical labels, Wizard, Mage,
Sage, Sorcerer/Sorceress and so on. Each tradition might take
on a variation of these labels to represent different initiation
levels within the tradition as well. Or to represent different
roles and/or responsibilities.
- The most common titles are:
- Initiate -
A person who has been invited to join a specific coven. Most
traditions have varying levels of initiation. The first is always
an invitation by the coven to join their group. Each level after
is often based on learning, knowledge and demonstrating one's
ability within the coven and beliefs of the practice.
- Junior Initiate -
A person who has been invited to join a specific coven and who
has reached the second level of initiation within that coven.
- Senior Initiate -
A person who has been invited to join a specific coven and who
has reached the third level of initiation within that coven.
- Priest/Priestess -
A person who has completed the training of a specific coven and
has demonstrated their ability to teach and lead. Then has been
initiated by another Priest or Priestess into that traditions
- Here's another example in detail. Within my clan each level
of membership defines an individuals role within the Clan and
the Clan community at large. These titles are earned, they are
not given out just by being a member of our organization.
- Member at Large -
A 1st level initiate. A practioner of the faith and member of
the Clan. Some take on the label Celtic or Clan Witch to define
this role within our community.
- Clan Administrator -
A 1st level initiate. A volunteer within the Clan who is assigned
to administrative duties within the Clan.
- Clan Mentor -
A 2nd level apprenticing initiate, assigned to mentor other members
of the Clan in a specific specialized area of study.
- Clan Sage
A 3rd level initiate dedicated to sharing the knowledge and wisdom
of the faith and a specialized area of study such as divination,
magik, or healing.
- Clan Shaman / Shamanka (Clan Leaders)
A 4th level initiate dedicated to sharing the knowledge and wisdom
of the faith, proven gifts of divination, expert knowledge of
Holistic Healing, with leadership capabilities of the Clan, and
it's practices.
- Clan Elder
A 5th level initiate dedicated to providing services, leadership
and teachings to all members within and outside the Clan. Who
through action and deed has continually demonstrated a high level
of ethics, knowledge and wisdom.
Additional Reading
Is Witchcraft?
Witchcraft A Religion?
Creation of Modern Witchcraft
An Evolution
of WitchCraft (Timeline)
Witch is Which? - Labels & Titles
- .
- Source: 1, c3,
c4, c8,
c13, s1,
s2, s4,
s5, s6,
s7, s11,
s14, m1,
m4, m5,
m7, m10,
m16, m18,
m23, m36
- Created: 10/2/1996 Updated: