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Sweep The Vote

Sweep The Vote Campaign
Along with our Pagan Awareness Campaign, Sweep The Vote has been established to address the increase in political actions against Pagans and the rights of all people to practice their faith and exercise their rights of Freedom of Religion.
Witchcraft is one of the fastest growing religions in America today. As well as around the world. Many people are becoming disillusioned with the politics and overpowering control that fundamentalist religions are pushing in our world today. "Membership in Wiccan, Deity, Druid and Pagan sects has been skyrocketing -- up from an unregistered blip in 1990 to more than 350,000 as of 2001" according to the Washington Post.
It is not the intent of PagansPath to sponsor or promote one particular political party or candidate. But rather to provide resources for all Pagans to get involved in their local, state and national political process to help maintain Civil Liberties for all religious groups.
Why Should Pagans Vote?
Voting is one of the most important rights and responsibilities that U.S. citizens have. No one forces a person to vote, but many do to register their desires for the direction of the country. If you think you're paying too many taxes, or you want more social change, then voting for a candidate who supports your views is the way to enact that change.
Voting provides a mechanism for all pagans to address the increase in right wing groups to limit religious freedoms and civil rights of others in order to push their own agendas that discriminate against alternative religions.
Every Vote Counts.
About 150 million people are qualified to vote. But many don't out of apathy, "Oh my vote doesn't matter. What's the use anyway?" But your vote does count! And you only need to look into our history to see how much.
In 1845 the vote in the U.S. Senate to make Texas part of the United States was 27 to 25. If the count had been 26 to 26, Texas would not have been invited to join the Union.
In 1867 the Senate conducted an impeachment vote against President Andrew Johnson. Had 1 Senator voted differently, he would have been removed from office.
In 1960, had one person in each poling place voted for Nixon, he would have become President of the U.S. instead of John F. Kennedy.
During the 1990s the political bases of the Republican and Democratic parties evened out to about 45% to 45% of the vote. Leaving the final 10% of independent and undecided voters with the power to make the difference in elections.
I'm Pagan & I Vote! You Can Make A Difference! 
If you're eligible to vote, Register!
Then vote in EVERY local, state and federal election. Make your voice heard.
Learn about the candidates and issues before you vote in any election.
Write letters to public officials about issues that are important to you.
Attend local events and add your views and perspectives to the public discussion.
Blog, write emails, add comments to political forums and share your ideas and opinions.
Respect your right to vote! It's a privilege that many people in the world don't have.
Voting and Political Resources 
Use the following links to learn more about religious freedom activities, or to contact your own government agencies.
Political Parties
American Independent
American Reform Party
Green Party
The American Civil Liberties Union
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is the nation's foremost advocate of individual rights -- litigating, legislating, and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom in the United States.
ACLU Religious Liberties Page
Voter Resources
Register To Vote - Choose Your State
Contact Elected Officials
Active Legislation - List of current bills in the Senate - Legislative Bills from 1973 to present
U.S. President
U.S. Senate
U.S. House Of Representatives

Pagan Resources
Witches Voice Freedom Fighters
This is a direct link to the Witches Voice website and their listing of sites dedicated to fighting for Religious Freedom.
Lady Liberty League
A national and global referral and information exchange network of Pagan religious freedom activists.
AREN - Alternative Religions Education Network
Listings and resources to aid in the ongoing fight for Equality and Fair Administration of our First Amendment Rights.
Wiccan Education & Anti-Defamation Groups
As usual this site has a great deal of information and links to many groups that support pagan awareness and pagan rights activities.
The Pagan Activist
An online Pagan news paper, covering the pagan community and it's fights for freedom.