
 Magik Wand

General History
- Like the Magik Staff, magik wands have been around for a
very long time. Some of the first depictions of a wand come from
Egypt, in the hands of Pharaoh. Not only did he carry a scepter
for his kingdom, but also a wand. He was a 'God' after all. And
magik was supposed to be part of his royal talents.
- The Greek God Hermes (Mercury) is represented by a wand entwined
with a snake and winged top. In legend, this wand is a sleep-producing
wand. The famous musician Arion, had a wand of Ivory. Linguistic
research shows the the symbol "cel" of the word Celts
and "ger" of the German, both mean "wand".
And both cultures used the wand as the symbol of the axis of
the spring and summer solstices.
- In Celtic legend, the three wise women who guide the steps
of mankind (the Triple Goddess) are often seen or depicted with
wands. Using these tools to direct their energy or control their
desires during various events. One legend tells of the wise women
facing cave dwelling giants, using their wands to dislodge boulders
and rocks from the mountain to rain down upon the giants.
- In Norse legend, Thor sets out to visit Geirrod without his
weapons. The Hag Grid, warns Thor of the dangers he faces. She
gives him her belt and magic wand to do battle upon his long
journey. In this story Thor flings a boulder and breaks the back
of a giantess with the wand.
- In Aurthurian legend, Merlin casts his magik with the use
of a silver wand; presumably constructed from the hardened blood
of a unicorn that he helped to save from a dragon's attack.
- But the wand isn't just seen in pagan paths. In catacomb
frescoes of the third and fourth centuries, Christ is frequently
represented performing miracles by means of a wand.
- Scholars believe the wand found it's roots in the drumstick
of a shaman. Especially from Siberia and Central Asia when drumming
was used to raise energy before and during ceremonial rituals.
Then pointing the wand at the recipient of that energy; such
as a patient who required healing. From these humble beginnings,
the wand has become a staple in magik practices through the centuries
and into modern magik.
Making Your Own Wand
Within Witchcraft the wand
is used for channeling and directing energy. Like the staff,
you can make your own wand or purchase one that you feel drawn
to. A lot of people are returning to wand usage, thanks in big
part to Harry Potter. The movies especially have contributed
to this; with the creation and sale of look alike wands. I was
given Hermione's wand for a Yule present and frankly I think
it's beautiful and decided to use it in my rituals.
- But there's something to be said for making your own wand
as well. A wand is typically made from wood. Depending on what
energies you want to associate with your wand will depend on
which wood you choose. There have many different types to choose
from. Oak and Ash are the most commonly used on the pagan paths.
Because of their spiritual reference to these two trees. But
white pine, maple and apple are also popular choices. You might
review the Tree Associations page
for more information to help you decide.
- But consider some other interesting alternatives. An Osage
Orange tree (found around the US), is a beautiful light colored
wood that gets darker as it ages, until it turns black. Crape
Myrtle is a lovely white and very hard wood, and makes a wonderful
staff material.
- As with most wood tools, you can decide to carve a pattern,
runes or personal sigils into your wand. But chose carefully
as these symbols will add to the energy of your wand. Some people
like to create several wands and consecrate them for different
If you use a metal or stones to
decorate your wand, make sure you understand the properties of
that item on the wand. Just like wood, metals and stones have
their own magikal traits as well. You might review the Stone
Energy page for more information to help you decide which
crystals or stones might work best for your intent.
- Just like with the staff, you might want to clear and cleanse
it's energy before you begin working with the wood. Some people
like to perform a ritual and bring the tool into a circle before
any carving or decorating is done. It's a way to add or imprint
your own energies upon the wood before working with it; or during
the decorating process. It's also a chance to have your guides
and the Gods/Goddesses come to work with you in the creation
or decoration of the wand.
- These methods are by no means set in stone. You can work
on the wood and decorations and then take the wand into circle
for clearing and cleansings. No matter which way you chose; the
last thing you should do before actually using your wand is a
consecration ritual. You want to imprint your desired use for
this tool upon all the elements of the tool.
Additional Reading
- Magikal Tools
- Tool Symbology
- Clearing, Cleansing & Protecting
Your Energies
- Cleansing & Consecration for
an object or space
Source: 1, c3,
c4, c8,
c13, s1,
s2, s4,
s5, s6,
s7, s11,
s14, m1,
m5, m18,
m23 |