
Sabbats: Southern
Hemisphere Calendar

to Kiwi Catherine
The Magikal Festivals
The days for rest, the Sabbats are seasonal
celebrations. Each one of these Sabbats were and often still are a
celebration of the feminine spirit. Worshiping or honoring what can be
called the triple Goddess. The word Sabbat is French and is derived
from the Hebrew Sabbath which means "to rest".
- Now what if your seasonal celebrations are just
the opposite from the most commonly advertised dates? Huh?
- If you live in the southern hemisphere your
seasonal cycle is just the opposite from the northern hemisphere where these original celebrations were established. If
the Sabbats were meant as specific dates to be honored and celebrated;
then you might be celebrating a harvest festival when in your region of
the world, it's really planting season. So what do you do?
- Thanks to a wonderful Kiwi named Catherine we
have an answer. Catherine posted an answer to this very question on our
Message Board.
After a little more research to verify the information, I think we can
finally post a calendar here with a bit of confidence. Woohoo!
Holiday |
Name |
Event |
Date |
Purpose |
Samhain |
15° Taurus |
May 1 |
Pagan New Year, Honoring the
Dead, Cleansing and releasing |
Yule |
Winter Solstice |
Jun 21 |
Rebirth, Life triumphs over
death |
Bridgid |
Imbolc |
15° Leo |
Aug 1 |
Purification, Initiation,
Dedication |
Eostara |
Lady Day |
Spring Equinox |
Sep 21 |
Conception, Regeneration, New
Beginnings |
Beltane |
May Day |
15° Scorpio |
Oct 31 |
Passion that fuels Life, Joy,
Fertility |
Litha |
Midsummer |
Summer Solstice |
21 |
Transition, Planning |
Lammas |
Lughnasadh |
15° Aquarius |
Feb 2 |
Gratitude, Abundance, Fruition |
Mabon |
Autumn Equinox |
21 |
Giving thanks, Reflection
Additional Reading
The Sabbats
Sabbats -
Southern Hemisphere Calendar
Working By The Moon
The Celtic High Holy Days
Wiccan Sabbat
Source: 1, c3, c4, c8, c9, c13, c14, s1, s2, s4, s5, s6, s7, s11, s14
- Created: 04.08.1999
Updated: 01.05.2010