With The Moon
- Every Witch should know which days to work
and which to take off. Which moon phases are best for what kind of
casting and which are for rest. These guidelines are not cast in stone
and certainly if you have a friend in dire need of healing, you don't
need to wait until the next Waxing Moon to cast. But when possible and
for the best results here's the Moon Phase Calendar for this year to
help you plan your work.
Mother Moon:
- Additional reading:
Moon Phase Calendar
With The Moon
The Monthly Full Moon / Moon Names
Lunar Calendars - A Short History
For The 2015 Calendar And Beyond:
- 2014 marked the last year I provided an
update to the
moon phase calendar. You can view all the calendars we provided here on
Pagan's Path in our Moon Phase Archive.
- With the advent of technology and "smart
devices", better
moon phase apps have become available and our moon calendar has
obsolete. These new apps do a great job of personalizing phases and
events for your specific location and notifying you of phase changes.
- If you have a tablet or smart phone, I have
a couple of apps on my phone that I use throughout the year that you
might like. I have a reminder set for a few days before a moon phase
change so I have time to get ready for a ritual or make plans for an
Esbat ceremony I might be officiating. Between my two favorite apps, I
never miss a phase change or a daily event.
- I gave a critique of these apps on my
blog Springwolf Reflections in December
2012. So check out Sun
& Moon Watching On Your Phone for more info. I will
do my best to continue an updated critique of apps as they become
- For now, my favorite Moon Phase app is Moon
Phase Pro by Udell. At the time I acquired the app, it was selling
for .99 cents.
- But if you want to do more than watch the
moon and include the Sun and the planets, check my article to help you
decide which one is right for you. As of this writing I like an app
called Sundroid by Visalia
Mobile Ltd. I prefer the pro version: Sundroid Pro $2.99
at the
time of this writing. They had a FREE version, but it seems they are no
longer offering that. Which is a shame.
- For those of you who have relied on the
Pagan's Path yearly Phase calendar, I'd like to say thank you so much
for your support and for relying on us here to help you through the
- Many Blessings,
- .
If you don't have a smart device, you can still follow the
moon phase online through
My favorite Moon App
Phase Pro by Udell
can be found on GooglePlay.

Check out my app review
& Moon Watching
On Your Phone
for more info and options