
 Full Moon Names

Naming The Full Moon
- Each full moon holds a little extra special meaning to those
who work with magik. It represents the universe in brilliant
glory, wholeness or completeness. A wonderful time to work on
your own personal spiritual lessons, growth and enlightenment.
But as with each phase of the moon, each cycle of the full moon
also contains it's own special energy. Aligning your intentions
with these energies can also enhance your magikal work.
Ages ago, cultures around
the world kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names
to each recurring full moon. Their names were applied to the
entire month in which each occurred. Today we have the advantage
of aligning our energies with the cultures we're drawn to, or
to the perspective our tradition follows. So if you're of a European
tradition, or Norse or Native American tradition; you can pick
and choose the name set that you feel most connected to.
- There are many reasons for different name sets. Cultures,
regions of the world, differences in weather, the timing of seasonal
changes (such as winter arriving earlier in the north than in
the south) and so on.
- While names from the Farmer's Almanac were largely in use
in England and the Celtic lands, these are not the only names
in use in those areas.
- Many people think all Native Americans followed the same
traditions and implemented the same names and significance across
the board to aspects of life. While there is a large similarity
between American tribes and nations, they are not all the same.
The Cherokee Nation held different names in part because they
governed over the lands of the south from what we know as Virginia
south to Florida.
- While you're doing your own research you might find additional
name sets. Try to verify the source of those sets, were they
used in a specific region or Kingdom, perhaps they were used
in the north, while you might find other sets used in the same
culture in the south. Were they Druidic vs. Shamanistic? Or were
they influenced by pantheons or altered by other religions that
invaded a land and began a conversion. All these events will
have an affect on cultural names.
- The following is a list of a few of these cultural name sets.
I'll try to add more as I come across them during research. This
by no means is meant to be an inclusive list.
Old Farmers Almanac (founded in 1792).
- The almanac is largely based on Europeans who came to the
Americas and settled in the colonies. These names were widely
used in Scotland, Ireland, England, France and most of their
Deborean Clan
- The Deborean Clan is a combination of Celtic and Cherokee
cultures. This name set merged names from these two cultures
together either by influence or out of a desire to represent
both spiritual perspectives. No one is sure when this name set
was established, but it's fair to assume it began around the
time the Clan itself was established between 1780 and 1800.
Wiccan Tradition
- It's fair to say that Gerald Gardner based his name set on
a variety of sources. Wicca itself is a culmination of his previous
participations with many craft traditions such as the Fellowship
of Crotona, Ordo Temli Orientis and even the Golden Dawn had
it's influence on his creation.
Algonquin Tribes
- The Native American nations from New England on west to Lake
Superior had their list of full moon names.
Thomas's Old Farmers Almanac - circa
- January ~ Hunger moon
- During this month the wolves once roamed the countryside,
thus suggesting the name wolf moon. In cold and temperate climates
of the Northern Hemisphere, it was difficult to find food during
January, thus the name hunger moon. This is a good time for planning
your year from a spiritual perspective. What do you want to accomplish
this year. What do you "hunger" for? Set some goals
and plan how to achieve them.
- February ~ Snow moon
- In certain parts of the world, snow is usually the deepest
in this month, thus the name snow moon. This is a good time to
focus your magik on home, hearth and family.
- March ~ Sap or worm moon
- Because sap rises in March, this full moon is called the
sap moon. The ground softens during this month, and worms begin
to burrow out of the ground, thus the name worm moon. This is
a good time for healing magik. Think of the sap as the blood
running through your veins carrying health and healing.
- April ~ Pink moon
- Many flowers turn pink and bloom in April, thus the name
pink moon. This is a good time for working on potential
relationships, or heading off problems in an existing one.
- May ~ Flower moon
- Because many flowers bloom in May, after the April downpours,
May's moon is called the flower moon. This is a good time
for working on commitments, both in spirit and love.
- June ~ Rose moon
- Because strawberries bloom in June, this month's moon is
the strawberry moon. Also, the French call this moon la lune
rose, which translates into English as "the rose moon."
This is a good time for taking stock of the year. It's the mid-way
point, so review what you've accomplished and what's left to
do. Hopefully you'll find reasons for a celebration and put those
strawberries and roses to good use.
- July ~ Buck moon
- Bucks (moose & deer) grow their first antlers during
this month, thus the name buck moon. This is a very masculine
moon, so it's a good time to work on the physical things in your
life. Either physical in body, or things that some physical attention,
like fixing the loose handle on the kitchen drawer.
- August ~ Sturgeon moon
- Because it is sturgeon season in certain parts of the world
in August, its moon is called the sturgeon moon. This is
the month to give thanks. Not only to the Great Spirit, but to
yourself too. So set this moon aside for pampering yourself and
your family. Your magikal night can begin with a relaxing meditation
and a personal reading for yourself.
- September ~ Corn moon
- Native Americans began to harvest their crops during this
month every year (this full moon occurs late in August and is
called the harvest moon). If the full moon occurs earlier in
September, it is called the corn moon because the corn crop is
ready for picking at that time. A good time clean and clear
up the issues of life. A ritual for healing old wounds, emotional
and physical, forgiving transgressors and yourself. A "letting
go" time. Your harvesting the abundance of your soul and
your growth, so get rid of that old stuff and make room for the
new enlightened you!
- October ~ Hunter's moon
- The hunting season begins in October, thus the name hunter's
moon. This is a good time to align yourself with nature
and conducting magikal rituals concerning animal issues, such
as finding your personal animal guide, totem or relating to your
birth totem.
- November ~ Beaver moon
- Beaver traps were once set in this month to catch enough
beaver to make warm clothing for the upcoming winter. A
wonderful time for setting protection and protecting yourself
from those 'cold' winds that try to interfere with your personal
spiritual evolution.
- December ~ Cold moon
- The approach of cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere gives
this month's full moon its name. Once again a wonderful
moon for turning your attention to home, especially ritual space.
The Deborean Clan - circa 1780-1800
- January ~ Wolf Moon
- The Wolf is the embodiment of the GreatSpirits to Deboreans.
The year starts with the outlook of taking the first step of
the year on the right path of spirit and along side the wolf.
- February ~ Snow Moon
- In the south eastern portion of the U.S., February is often
the snowiest month. It's often seen as a time to snuggle together
around the hearth and share stories, enlightenment and togetherness.
- March ~ Worm Moon
- The world begins to thaw and the ground is cultivated by
the return of the worm in the ground. The birds return and feast
the bounty of the early spring.
- April ~ Rain Moon
- The early spring rains awaken the plants and trees. And bringing
forth the renewed life of nature and spirit.
- May ~ Flower Moon
- The world explodes in color, showing the beauty of the GreatSpirits
and the natural world around us.
- June ~ Strawberry Moon
- The gardens are bursting with berries. Letting us know life
is full of sweet flavor.
- July ~ Deer Moon
- Moose are extremely rare in the south-eastern U.S. Perhaps
for this reason the early Deboreans call this the Deer Moon,
instead of the Buck Moon as mentioned in the Almanac. It's the
sign of building and repairing one's life, home and spirit.
- August ~ Fish Moon
- Another diversion from the Almanac, instead of sturgeon moon
this month is called the Fish Moon. Rivers and lakes are filled
with schools of fish, providing nourishment to body and soul.
- September ~ Fruit Moon
- The early fall is associated with the harvest of orchards
in the south-east. Occurring along side Mabon, the 2nd of the
harvest festivals it is a time to collect the berries and tree
fruits and prepare them for the long cold winter months. It is
the sign to prepare life and the soul during the waning year
or the end of the cycle of life.
- October ~ Harvest Moon
- The harvest of gardens and fields are in full swing under
the Harvest Moon. A special orange glow illuminates this moon
just as the trees decorate the world with beautiful fall color.
Lending a reminder to take stock of one's winter pantry, life
and spirit as the cold winter makes it's way into the year.
- November ~ Hunter's Moon
- Early Deboreans supplemented their harvest stores with meat
from forest animals during this month. Ensuring their families
were well prepared for the barren months of winter.
- December ~ Cold Moon
- In the south-east, December is the first of the wintry cold
months. The fires are blazing day and night, and the warmth of
family and friends are kept close at hand. Reminding us all that
we are not alone as the year comes to a close.
The Wiccan Tradition - circa 1953-1956
- January ~ Cold Moon
- February ~ Quickening Moon
- March ~ Storm Moon
- April ~ Wind Moon
- May ~ Flower Moon
- June ~ Sun Moon
- July ~ Blessing Moon
- August ~ Corn Moon
- September ~ Harvest Moon
- October ~ Blood Moon
- November ~ Mourning Moon
- December ~ Long Nights Moon
The Algonquin Tribes - circa 1400-1450
- January ~ Full Wolf Moon
- Amid the zero cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf
packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. It was also known
as the Old Moon or the moon after Yule. In some tribes this was
the Full Snow Moon; most applied that name to the next moon.
- February ~ Full Snow Moon
- Usually the heaviest snows fall in this month. Hunting becomes
very difficult, and hence to some tribes this was the Full Hunger
- March ~ Full Worm Moon
- In this month the ground softens and the earthworm casts
reappear, inviting the return of the robins. The more northern
tribes knew this as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows
signals the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon because the
snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at
night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees,
is another variation.
- April ~ Full Pink Moon
- The grass pink or wild ground phlox is one of the earliest
widespread flowers of the spring. Other names were the Full Sprouting
Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and -- among coastal tribes -- the
Full Fish Moon, when the shad came upstream to spawn. This is
also the Paschal Full Moon; the first full Moon of the spring
season. The first Sunday following the Paschal Moon is Easter
- May~ Full Flower Moon
- Flowers are abundant everywhere. It was also known as the
Full Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.
- June~ Full Strawberry Moon
- Known to every Algonquin tribe. Europeans called it the Rose
- July~ Full Buck Moon,
- When the new antlers of buck deer push out from their foreheads
in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full
Thunder Moon, thunderstorms being now most frequent. Sometimes
this is also called the Full Hay Moon.
- August~ Full Sturgeon Moon.
- When this large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies
of water like Lake Champlain is most readily caught. A few tribes
knew it as the Full Red Moon because the moon rises looking reddish
through sultry haze, or the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.
- September~ Full Corn Moon
- Sometimes also called the Fruit Moon; such monikers were
used for a full moon that occurs during the first week of September,
so as to keep the Harvest Moon from coming too early in the calendar.
- October~ Full Harvest Moon
- Traditionally, this designation goes to the full moon that
occurs closest to the Autumnal (fall) Equinox. At the peak of
the harvest, farmers can work into the night by the light of
this moon. Usually the full moon rises an average of 50 minutes
later each night, but for the few nights around the Harvest Moon,
the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just
25 to 30 minutes later across the U.S., and only 10 to 20 minutes
later for much of Canada and Europe. Corn, pumpkins, squash,
beans, and wild rice -- the chief Indian staples -- are now ready
for gathering.
- November~ Full Beaver Moon
- Now it is time to set beaver traps before the swamps freeze
to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation
suggests that the name Beaver Full Moon come from the fact that
the beavers are now active in their preparation for winter. This
is also called the Frosty Moon, and as this is also the next
full moon after the Harvest Moon, it can also be referred to
as the Hunters' Moon. With the leaves falling and the deer fattened,
it is time to hunt. Since the fields have been reaped, hunters
can ride over the stubble, and can more easily see the fox, also
other animals, which have come out to glean and can be caught
for a thanksgiving banquet after the harvest.
- December~ Full Cold Moon
- December is usually considered the month that the winter
cold begins to fasten its grip.
Grand Mother Moon:
- Additional reading:
Phase Calendar
With The Moon
Monthly Full Moon / Moon Names
Calendars - A Short History
 Source: 1,
s1, s2,
s4, s5,
s6, s7,
s11, s14,
m21, m23,
- 2008 Farmers Almanac,
- US Navel Observatory:
Phases & Earth
Eclipse Website, Space.com
- Created: 11.01.1999
Updated: 01.10.2009