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Reiki II
Symbol 3

The third Reiki symbol is called: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Pronunciation: Hone Shah Zay Show Nen
General Meaning: The Divine within me greets the Divine within you. To promote enlightenment and peace.
Purpose: Used to begin and connect with a recipient in an absentee healing.
Usage: Using your power hand, draw the symbol over a proxy. As with the other two symbols, repeat the name of the symbol three times with the drawing.

In Japan this symbol is known as Symbol 3. The Reiki symbol has very closely kept it's original form intact from the Japanese Kanji characters. To understand the usage it would be important to breakdown each character.
Hon: the basis, essential thing, principle
Sha: the or a person
Ze: right, just
Sho: correct, proper
Nen: thoughts, mind, idea
The entire phrase could be seen as "the essential basis of the person meets the essential person within you for just cause, to correct thoughts and ideas within the mind".
See the Japanese Kanji Dictionary for additional information.

Source: 1, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9, h10
Created: 03.28.1999       Updated: 04.03.2009


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