
 Chakra Meditation

Opening Your Chakra Centers
- Many people like to stimulate their chakras for spiritual
work. Stimulating your chakras will assist in work for inner
growth and enlightenment, meditation for alignment, balancing
your energy, clearing or cleansing your energies, or magikal
workings. Opening your chakras can align your energies with the
Divine Mind (your higher spiritual mind) and the Divine Universe
(The GreatSpirits, God/Goddess). In this way you can infuse the
energy of your inner creation with that of the Divine Creation
to manifest your workings.
- As with any spiritual method, there are many ways to
prepare yourself for spiritual
work and open your chakra centers. You may want to make up your
own based on your personal beliefs and experiences. If you don't
understand the purpose or definition of the chakra centers, you
might want to read these two articles.
- The first is an explanation of Kundalini
and the Chakra Centers, and the second is a quick Chakra
Reference Map.
- Once you think you have a good understanding of the chakra
centers and why you might want to perform this meditation, you
can use the following as a sample or a base to create your own
special Chakra Meditation.
- Before you begin, gather together:
- A white candle.
- Sage and cedar smudge if you can find it. If not sandlewood
incense will suffice.
- A large feather.
- A clear quartz crystal.
- A lighter or book of matches.
- Many people like to use music as a background to lightly
drown out the daily noises that might be around your home or
space. You should chose something from the New Age or classical
genre. You want instrumentals only as vocal music might interfere
with your concentration.
If you'd like an example, my personal favorite piece is called
Ascension to All That Is by Robert Slap. You can find
it on Amazon.com
Meditation Process
- This is our suggested step-by-step process. Customize this
to fit your own ideas and preferences.
- Start your music and begin the ritual in a standing position,
facing the great North Winds. Light the incense you have brought
to the ritual and say a prayer to the God/Goddess and essence
of Earth for assistance, energy and protection. (This is for
you and the circle.)
- Turn to the right and face east, (you can use your hand or
a specially made feather fan to spread the smoke of the incense
through the room). Wave the fan over the incense to use the smoke
to clear out old energies and prepare for new ones. Ask the God/Goddess
to bring forth the essence of Air, your guides, and teachers
to assist you in the cleansing, preparation and opening. Wave
the smoke through the air fanning it away from you toward the
east. Ask that this energy move out any negative or unwanted
essences from your circle and your home.
- Turn to the right facing south. Fan the smoke out toward
the south and ask The God/Goddess, the essence of Fire and your
guides for their energy and the positive forces within the universe
to assist you in this clearing, opening and preparation for the
purpose of (state your purpose).
- Turn to the right facing west. Fan the smoke out toward the
west and give thanks for the assistance and help you are about
to receive. Once again ask the God/Goddess, the essence of Water,
and your guides to assist you in opening your centers, grounding
your energies and raising your vibrations for the spiritual work
- Turn to the right again facing North and step into the circle
you made, or just sit down in front of the circle you're creating.
- Some Witches will mark the area with a cotton rope, using
a broom to mark the entry point. When the space has been defined,
the Witch will "jump over the broom" as a symbol of
entry into a sacred space, and a gateway that keeps out any negative
influences. Using energy to visually open and close the doorway
represented by the broom.
- Set the incense in a holder on the right side of the circle
and allow the smoke to fill the space. Imagine the smoke clearing
out the energies around you replacing it with clear bright white
light from the divine forces. Say a prayer if you like, something
of your own to add to the creation of the pure light.
- Put the candle at the top of the circle. As you light the
wick imagine this source of this flame coming from within your
being..from inside your solar plexus.
- Say a prayer as you light the wick..something like:
"I light this candle as a symbol of the divine spirit
within me and around me. As a beacon for all the positive forces
that reside and exist in this time and space."
- Pick up the crystal and imagine the white light of divine
knowledge traveling through the top of your head, down your arms
and through the palms of your hands into the crystal. As the
energy travels through your arms, imagine it shifting or splitting
into 3 additional energies. Pink for unconditional love, emerald
green for divine healing and white for divine knowledge. Charge
the crystal with these energies and place a thought in it's structure
for what you want it to help you with.
- In this case, you want the crystal to push out the tiniest
elements of negative forces or manipulative energies from the
center of your being. Imagine the white, pink and green light
pushing any unwanted or negative energy out of your very being.
Imagine this unwanted energy as a gray smoke floating out of
your being, out to the universe where it will be dissipated and
no longer do harm to anyone.
- You add to this vision with another prayer of intent:
"God/Goddess, guides and teachers, I ask your assistance
to charge this crystal with the light and energy of the divine,
with unconditional love and the knowledge of understanding, for
the purpose of clearing, cleansing and opening my spiritual chakra
centers for the purpose of preparing for (state your reason again)"
- Then place the crystal on the right side of the circle.
- Now close your eyes and focus your mind on your 3rd eye (located
in the center of your forehead, just above the brow line). Imagine
the white light of the God/Goddess coming through your head and
moving down your spine. Imagine this pure white light moving
down your back to the base of your spine or root chakra energizing
the chakra centers preparing your energies for the opening process.
- Beginning at the bottom imagine the divine light collecting
at root chakra. Imagine the white energy spinning in a clockwise
motion. Imagine the energy moving at the speed of a second hand
on a watch. As the energy moves, imagine it slowly changing color
to pink for unconditional love and then slowly moving to red
which will energize the root chakra helping to open the area
for the work ahead.
- Imagine the red light moving up the spine to the Pancreas/Spleen
chakras. As the energy moves up, imagine it changing to pink
once more. As the energy enters the chakras, imagine the pink
light spinning counter-clockwise, just a little faster than the
chakra before. Imagine the energy slowly changing color from
pink to orange, filling the chakras and energizing them as before.
- Continue this imagery, moving the pink love light from the
Pancreas/Spleen up to the Solar Plexus. Spin the energy just
a little faster and imagine it changing to a bright clear yellow.
Imagine the energy spinning in a clockwise motion.
- Move the pink light to the Adrenal chakra, spinning a little
faster and changing to a golden yellow wrapped in emerald green.
Imagine the energy spinning in a clockwise motion.
- Move the pink light from the adrenals up to the Thymus or
Heart Chakra. Spin the energy a little faster and imagine the
color changing to a clear and vibrant emerald green. Imagine
the energy spinning in a clockwise motion.
- Move the pink light up to the thyroid or throat chakra, spinning
the energy a little quicker and moving the energy color to a
brilliant blue. Imagine the energy spinning in a clockwise motion.
- Move the pink light up to the pituitary and spin the energy
faster. By now, the energy should be moving very quickly now
and moves from the pink love energy to a bright and clear purple
color. Imagine the energy spinning in a clockwise motion.
- Move the pink light up to the crown chakra at the top of
the head. The energy moves faster here than any of the other
chakra points. Imagine the pink light spinning clockwise and
changing to a very bright and clear white.
- Hold these images for a few moments. Energizing the chakra
centers, preparing them for the spiritual ritual or work ahead.
- Now imagine the energies of each chakra moving up and down
the spine, in a clockwise motion, connecting all your centers
and stimulating your Kundalini flow. As the energy combines,
imagine all the energies mixing into a very bright white divine
light. This energy connects all the chakras, even though the
Pancreas/Spleen themselves are spinning counter-clockwise; it
is still connected through the other chakra centers through the
flow of Kundalini energy which flows clockwise through the entire
- As the light travels through the centers, imagine it growing
and becoming stronger. Imagine this light growing and moving
in a circle out toward the surface of your body. Filling your
physical structure with divine light and energy. Finally moving
outside the confines of your body, encircling your being to about
6-12 inches.
- Keep this image for a few moments. Imagine how this alignment
will help you perform the work ahead. Imagine as much detail
as you like.
- To conclude the ceremony, take a deep breath and slowly become
aware of your surroundings. Thank all the guides, teachers and
God/Goddess for coming to your aid and guiding your energy and
"I thank all the forces who came for their assistance,
I ask that the energy of this circle be closed for the purpose
of this cleansing, opening and re-energizing. I ask that only
that which is still needed within my home, my being and soul
remain until such time as the divine energy has affected the
positive changes desired. I bless thee and thank thee all. Amen"
- Take another deep breath filling your lungs to their fullest
capacity and become more aware of where you are. Take a little
stretch and then open your eyes. You can take a few moments to
blow out the candle and douse your incense, thanking both for
their assistance in this ritual. Or you can allow these tools
to continue burning, moving them to a safe location in your spiritual
area or home.
- Move out of the circle and close the space once more. If
this is where you will be conducting another ceremony for a Sabbat
or Esbat, you might want to leave the broom and imagery of the
door. Keeping the area closed and protected until later in the
evening or when you'll begin the work at hand.
- Clean up any thing you have left in the circle or space and
say one last word of thanks to the Gods/Goddess and spiritual
Conclude Your Session
- Just as important, once you open your chakras, there will
come a point where you need to close them. Either later in the
day during a Sabbat ritual or a working ceremony. In order to
close your chakras, here are some suggestions.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
- Imagine the white light you have expanded around your physical
- Imagine this light slowly moving back inside your physical
structure. Some people like to maintain the vision of being filled
with the divine light and energy; while others like to pull it
all the way back to the spinal cord.
- Now imagine all your spinning chakra centers. Each one with
it's own individual color. You don't want to stop the spinning,
you just want to close off the energy forces you opened up to.
To do this imagine the white light wrapping around the chakra
centers, almost as if they're making a cocoon. Holding in the
work you've been doing and blocking any negative forces or unwanted
energies. Keeping you grounded and focused for your daily activities.
- Conclude this meditation with a deep breath and a word of
thanks an prayer. "I thank all the forces for their assistance,
and protection during this day. I thank thee all for the assistance
with my work, my growth and my evolution of spirit, honor and
ritual. I bless thee and thank thee all. Amen"
- Take one last deep breath, become aware of your surroundings
and have a little stretch. When you're ready, open your eyes
and if necessary clear your ritual space.
Other Meditation Guides
- You might also like to try my other special meditations guides.
They've worked very well for many people in my classes. I hope
you find them enjoyable too.
Guide A How To Handbook.
your Spirit Guides
Meditations for:
Meeting your Relative and Spirit Guide
Meditations for:
Meeting your Animal Guide
- Source: 1, c3,
c4, c8,
c13, s1,
s2, s4,
s5, s6,
s7, s11,
s14, m1,
m4, m5,
m7, m10,
m16, m18,
m23, m36
- Created: 10/30/1999
Updated: 01/17/2009