
 The Law Of Manifestation

- For a better understanding of The Laws of Creation, I suggest
you start with the parent article discussing Universal
Law & Chaos, before reading about this specific law.
It will help to put this law into it's proper context.
The Law Of Manifestation
- Also known as the Law of Beamed Energy. The Divine is governed
by a series of laws that brings order and balance to the natural
Universe. Without Chaos, there cannot be Order. Without Order
there cannot be Chaos. Therefore there cannot be balance. One
day we'll get into why this is important.
- There are many laws of order. The Law of Accountability,
The Law of Matter, The Law of Knowledge, The Natural Law, and
many others. The Law of Manifestation defines or explains, however
you want to perceive it, how we as humans, create that which
we want. The key to this Law is that we create what we want and
not necessarily what we need. So the old adage, be careful what
you ask for - you might get it, is very true. It's easy to create,
but not necessarily easy to deal with what you've created.
- It's also easy to create material things. Much harder to
create emotional things, especially those that include someone
else. Such as relationships, fertility, even revenge.
So what is the Law of Manifestation?
- Thought is the creator behind all operations of manifestations
in the material world. These manifestations cannot occur until
a suggestion or thought, (some would call it a desire) hits the
Subconscious mind. But the Subconscious must also 'take in' that
thought and process it.
- Einstein once said, "Thought is energy, to create it
(energy), just use your imagination."
This quote is more accurate than
perhaps Einie realized. Creative Visualization is the easiest
way to being a creation of manifestation. But just having a daydream
is not enough. Visualization has it's own process of creation.
Simply put, Visualization is the act of deliberately bringing
into manifestation a desire or need by an exercise of picturing
that object in the 'minds eye' (one key point), as if the object
is already in your possession (the second key point). This process,
when performed successfully, will eventually become a thought
form that is strong enough to manifest in the outer world; or
physical world.
- This process requires both mental and visual discipline so
as not to cloud one's mind with how can I attain this? How can
I dare expect this to happen? Even the slightest pessimistic
thought can slow down, alter or even negate the attempt at the
manifestation. Remember, the divine universe is about balance.
If you visualize something happening, you can also visualize
something not happening and the two images will cancel each other
out into nothingness. Here is where the discipline occurs.
- The picture in the minds eye should be clear and exact as
to the final desire/need. In as much detail as possible, so the
Divine process (which includes you) can build and create that
which you are trying to manifest. The more detail you give your
vision, the more of your energy you are putting into it. Think
of this as the 'taking in' of the Subconscious. You are allowing
this energy to build up in the Etheric world by holding it as
long as possible within the Subconscious. At times, repeating
this process daily if desired, can and will add to the manifestation.
- Generally, manifestations such as this will happen more quickly
if the exercise is performed directly after meditation or in
an altered Alpha state of consciousness, where the subconscious
mind is more readily prepared to accept the vision.
- Now there are many techniques to create a visualized desire,
take it in and send it out to the Ethereal world for manifestation.
You can use just the vision, make something to symbolize your
desire, incorporate it into a ritual or magik rite. It's up to
you. Here are just a couple examples.
- Simple Vision
After a meditation, visualize what you want. Imagine it in as
much detail as possible. Speak to it, put all the effort you
can into that one creative desire. Imagine your higher consciousness
pulling the image into your subconscious. You can do this a couple
of ways. One easy method is to imagine and feel the vision going
from your creative mind into your 3rd eye (the point between
your eyes and above the brow). Now imagine your subconsciousness
moving that vision into a crystal ball and pushing it out into
the ethereal world for manifestation. The ball becomes your vehicle
or gateway to divine.
- Fire Method
After a meditation, visualize what you want. Imagine it in as
much detail as possible, but this time, write it down on paper.
You want to do the same process as the simple vision. Pull into
your subconscious mind, and give it form and energy from your
own desire. Imagine you energy imprinting the desire onto the
paper you've written on. Place the paper in a glass or metal
container. Light a match, imagine the fire being ignited is coming
from your own inner spirit. Then set the paper a blaze. Imagine
the smoke being the vehicle that is carrying your form to the
ethereal world for manifestation.
- Magikal Ritual
On your altar you want to incorporate tools to represent your
desire. If you want a new car, find a hot wheels model of the
car you want. If you want some financial help with something,
find a dollar or make a check payable to you and drawn on the
Universal Bank Of The Divine. Sign the check with the name of
your preferred deity if you wish. (Now as a disclaimer this is
not a check you're going to take to your bank! Please be reasonable
here. This is just for your altar). Write a simple 4 verse poem
that defines your desire.
- After a meditation, visualize what you want. Light an altar
candle and recite your verse and make a statement of intent.
As for protection for your altar, call upon your chosen deity
and so on. Whatever you do to prepare for spell work. Imagine
your desire in as much detail as possible and hold the object
you've chosen to represent your desire in your hand. Make a statement
that this object represents your true desire and is the receptacle
of your creative energy. Imprint all that visual energy on the
object by imagining the energy moving from your creative center,
through your subconscious mind, exiting through your third eye
and moving into the object. When you are ready, recite your verse.
Place the item on your altar and light a candle that you've chosen
to enhance the energy of your desire, recite the verse again.
Imagine this candle as the beacon (like a large light house)
burning upon the ethereal world for your desire to manifest.
Don't forget to make your honoring and thanks yous.
Now all of these methods require you to record what you want
in your journal, Grimoire or Book of Shadows. Before you begin,
record what you want, what you're planning to do. Document all
the detail needed for your visualization after the meditation.
After your chosen method of manifestation, record what you did,
what you felt and any thing extra you want to keep in writing.
When your desire does manifest, record how it came to you, and
now that you have it, what shall occur. And don't forget a formal
thank you to the Divine for the assistance in the manifestation.
- Very often, people think that creating your desires through
spiritual manifestation is something that is convoluted and complicated.
Energy, the ethereal world and magik really isn't that complicated.
The simple methods work just as well as the complex. There is
a time and place for both. The method however will have little
energy if you don't understand the Law of Manifestation in the
first place. Course, I'm hoping this homily has helped that in
some manner. ;-)
- Source: 1, b2,
b4, b6,
m16, m19,