
 Divination Tools

Looking At Divination
- Everyone is psychic to one degree or another. Some people
are just more"aware" of the unseen energies within
and around them than others are. But those "gut feelings",
that woman's intuition, all are psychic abilities. If you haven't
already, I'd suggest you go back a few postings and read about
Psychic Gifts. This posting describes
what being a psychic is, vs. what a channel.
- If you're interested in using your psychic abilities for
the purpose of Divination, then you might want to read the "Psychic Development - Developing Your Talents"
Contributing Author
following article is a contribution from one of the regular members
on the Pagan's
Path Message board, Panther Witch. She has graciously allowed
me to post her research on Divination Tools from the board here
on the site. It is a great article and I thank Panther for allowing
us to share it here on the site.
- If you're interested in Divination Tools, you might want
to see Panther's article on The
History of Divination as well.
- You'll also find links to more in depth articles about some
of these divination tools that are here on PagansPath where you
can learn more about that tool's history, how to use and apply
that tool to your divination practices.
Divination Tools:
- By Panther Witch
- Edited by Lady SpringWolf
- Astrology-
- The reading of the planets and stars and how they affect
us. Astrology is very particular to Earth. The stars would align
differently if you were on another planet, or even the moon.
Theoretically this would make a difference on the energies surrounding
you. Horoscopes are very common, and there are differing types.
The zodiac is made of 12 houses in Western astrology. Chinese
astrology uses a different system entirely, basing whole years
on a single house, usually symbolized by an animal.
- Augury- (Animal Guides)
- Watching of birds. From species of birds, to the migration
of birds, this is one of the most common forms of divination.
Commonly considered an omen when an unusual sighting of one or
more birds occurs.
- Aura Readings- (How To Read An Aura)
- Some people use the aura around a person to see the immediate
future. Also some places have an aura around them, but it may
not be perceivable to sight. Auras can give you a sense of health,
mental state, stresses, and sometimes things that the person
is thinking about.
- Automatic Writing-
- A person channels from the spirit realm and allows the spirit(s)
to use their body to write a message or draw symbols to be interpreted
- Botanomncy - (Scrying) - a form
of pyromancy
- This method involves divination through the burning of leaves,
tree branches and herbs. It is a practice where a Diviner draws
messages from the smoke of the fire and/or from the ashes that
- Crystal Ball- (Scrying)
- Used as a tool to trigger visions, crystal balls come in
many shapes and sizes and colors. Most commonly used in a trance
or meditative state while looking into the ball and viewing any
inclusions or shadows seen in the ball itself.
- Fire and Smoke Scrying- (Scrying)
- a form of pyromancy
- The flame from a candle or a campfire may allow one to see
various images dancing in the flames. Sometimes puts the person
into a trance and allows visions. Smoke scrying is similar, but
shapes are observed dancing on the smoke.
- Haruspicy-
- Viewing of animal entrails to divine the future. First seen
used in the early Roman culture, it is still used in some circles
- IChing-
- Depending on where you live, IChing can either be a type
of bibliomancy, religious text, or a guide for how to divine
the future by use of symbols and objects. The I Ching means "Book
of Changes" and is a classic Chinese text that shows how
to use a symbol system to identify order in the chaos that surrounds
us. Historically it was viewed as an account from the time of
Fu Xi in a similar story to the Noah's Ark legend in the Christian
and Jewish texts. More modern meanings use the text as a guide
to the "oracle bones" and the casting of them much
like rune stones.
- Numerology-
- the meaning of numbers in everything, from giving letters
in your name a symbolic number and reading that meaning, to the
meaning of your birthday, to the oracle meaning of the number
of any certain type of animal you see.
- Oracle Cards-
- These cards are similar to tarot. Some use animals as the
basis for their meanings, others use a combination of animals,
plants, stones, symbols, ect.
- Palmistry-
- The reading of palms. Commonly thought a parlor trick, it
uses the natural creases and lines in the palm of a hand to chart
out things like how long the person's life will be, how many
times he will marry, ect. Some people use palmistry like tea
leaves, and view the patterns as shapes to divine the future
of the person.
- Pendulum- (The Pendulum)
- A device on a string or chain, usually made of stone, wood,
glass, crystal, or bone that is polished into a point and then
dangled from the string. Some superstition says that a pendulum
dangled over a pregnant woman's belly will move in one direction
or another to foretell the sex of the unborn child. Primary methods
use the movement of the pendulum to divine answers to questions,
or even scry for the direction of an object that is lost. Supposedly
uses the energy lines and patterns around the user and in the
- Runes - (Nordic Runes
& The Ogham Script)
- These are stones or sometimes sticks that are marked with
either Norse runes or Ogham runes. The most common are using
the Norse system. Readings again vary in how they are done. Some
people pull a single stone, others use a spread similar to the
tarot. Can be found custom made, out of stones, and hand carved,
or commercially produced.
- Tarot - (The Tarot)
- Also called tarotmancy, the use of tarot cards to foretell
the future. Made up of the Major and Minor Arcana, there are
usually 21 cards in the Major Arcana, and 4 suits of 14 cards
in the Minor Arcana. There are custom decks available, and decks
that use different suits, as well as some that have extra cards,
or some that feature fewer cards. Some decks even change the
names of the Major Arcana cards to suit the theme of the deck
itself. Each spread can vary in number of cards, meaning, and
even the depth of the questions asked.
- Scrying Mirror- (Scrying)
- Similar to the crystal ball, this type of mirror (usually
colored black) is possibly most reputable from Nostradamus's
visions of the future. The colored glass can create a depth illusion
in which a person can see objects, people, or happenings.
- Scrying Bowl- (Scrying)
- A plain bowl (sometimes made of metal, glass, or stone) that
is filled to the brim with water, until the water bubbles at
the lip of the bowl to create an edge. Used in meditation or
- Spirit Boards / Witch Boards / Talking Boards (Ouija
- Typically used during a seance, a tear or heart shaped piece
of wood is placed on a board with letters, numbers, symbols and
some common words on it, then touched by everyone in the circle
around the board. Sold as a game, or custom made. Supposedly
works to communicate with the spirit world. Many stories highlight
the more "evil" intentions around the board.
- Tea Leaves-
- Drink a cup of tea, then tip the cup over onto the saucer
to drain the dregs of the tea out. Look at the pattern of tea
leaves and view them. Supposedly will tell the future of the
person that drank the tea. Based on shapes and patterns in the
remaining leaves at the bottom of the bowl or cup.
- Vision Quests- (Meditation Guide)
- A Native American tradition that induces visions, vision
quests and sweat lodges are reported to lead to many types of
seeing, from future to past to Otherworld.
- Wind Listening- a form of Austromancy
- A meditative trance in a secluded area. Listen for what you
may hear on the wind.
- Wind Watching- a form of Austromancy
- This method utilizes observation of the wind and it's affects
on objects, such as tree, animals, clouds, the ground etc.
- Additional Thoughts By SpringWolf:
Additional Methods of Divination
- Channeling - Also called Spirit Talking. A channel is different
than a psychic, in that when one channels they do not interpret
the information or energy being received from spirit. It is given
to the client just as it is received. Not all psychic's are channels,
but all channels are psychic.
- As with most things, there are different levels of channeling,
each depending on the mission or purpose of the individual in
this incarnation. For instance, someone may be in this existence
to perform the service of Divine healing. Therefore they are
a healing channel. In their own way, they do channel the energy
from the divine directly into the body of their client. But unlike
a clairaudient channel, they do not "hear" messages.
- The 1st level of channeling is to tap into the higher consciousness
of the individual channel.
- The 2nd level is to communicate with the Spirit guides or
teacher(s) of the client, or the channel them self.
- The 3rd level comes with the Soul Group.
- The 4th level is with the Divine Conscious Mind.
Foretelling The Future
- It's important to note that no one can use tools of divination
to foretell the future in the modern perspective people see in
TV and movies. What a psychic reader or divination tool can do
is show you the probable outcome of energy patterns you have
currently put into place up to today. But with free will and
choice, you have the ability to change these outcomes. (Receiving
A Reading)
- This is the benefit of divination. To determine how your
current choices have created a pattern of energy on your path
for today, tomorrow and beyond. By understanding how your energy
is being manifest by you, you can alter those aspects you don't
want, and work toward those you do want. So don't think the future
is set in stone. It's not, if you don't want it to be.
- Sources: 1, PantherWitch
- Created: 07.02.2009 Updated: 08.30.2010