As Seen In The
March Edition
Of The

 Psychic Gifts

Psychic: (greek psychiokos - psyche, soul or that which
is mental) to sense, to understand and to interpret for practical
purposes, a force that enters in and emanates out of the body,
mind and/or spiritual or ethereal realms without use of the 5
physical senses.
Being Psychic
Everyone is psychic to some degree, some
people are just more in-tune with that side of their mind-body-spirit
connection. These gifts are really abilities and like all abilities,
some are stronger than others. This gives the impression that
the psychic ability is a "gift" rather than a common
ability or sense that everyone has. As someone becomes aware
of their abilities, their often said to be "opening"
to their gifts. In reality, they're merely walking into a new
phase of their spiritual growth that allows them to become aware,
recognize and accept their abilities as real.
- As you open to these abilities, Divine forces participate
in your growth to test and teach you certain lessons for service
and discernment. When this occurs the positive and negative forces
(work or fight; take your pick) with us to "shed our vices",
to remove the blocks that will inhibit the progression of the
ability. When these lessons are taking place, a persons energy
shifts and changes. Some friends maybe at odds with the changes
they see in you, and their attachments can deteriorate and fall
way. The same is true for work situations, or attitudes that
you've long held about a particular topic. You're growing during
this time, and therefore your perceptions of the world, the world's
perception of you, must also grow and change.
- The most important lessons to learn and achieve is understand
how ego and greed can effect the pure connection to these spiritual
sources. Even the smallest hint can bring the level of vibrational
energy down and can possibly allow earthbound and/or negative
forces to 'attach' to your psychic mind, instead of the higher
divine forces that provide the pure information.
Psychic Gifts
- There's a mired of psychic abilities and terms to describe
those abilities. Here is a short compiled list to help you understand
the different types and levels of psychic abilities.
- Clair - French prefix meaning Clear.
- Clairaudient-
- (Clear Audio/Hearing) To perceive sounds or words from sources
broadcasting from a spiritual or ethereal realms.
- Clairempathy-
- (Clear "emotion") To sense or "feel"
within one's self, the attitude or emotions of another person.
- Clairgustance-
- (Clear tasting") 1. To taste a substance without putting
anything in the mouth. 2. To perceive the essence of a substance
through taste from the spiritual or ethereal realms.
- Clairscent-
- (Clear Smelling). To smell a fragrance or odor coming from
the spirit or ethereal realms.
- Clairsentience-
- (Clear sensation or feeling) To perceive information by a
'feeling within the whole body" without any outer stimulation.
- Clairtangency-
- (Clear touching) More commonly known as Psychometry. To handle
an object or touch an area and perceive through the palms of
one's hands, information about the article or it's owner or history,
that was not previously known by the Clairtangent.
- Clairvoyant-
- (Clear vision) To see into an ethereal dimension without
using physical eyes or stimulation. To reach into another vibrational
frequency and visually perceive "within the minds eye"
something existing in that realm.
- Channel-
- A person who allows his/her body and mind to be used as a
mechanism for the etheric world intelligence to bring psychic
information or healing energy to others.
- Channeling -
- To allow an etheric world intelligence to enter one's mind
and impress thoughts upon the consciousness to be spoken aloud,
using one's voice, or body to deliver the information or healing
Psychic vs. Channeling
- A channel is different than a psychic, in that when one channels
they do not interpret the information or energy being received
from spirit. It is given to the client just as it is received.
Not all psychic's are channels, but all channels are psychic.
- As with most things, there are different levels of channeling,
each depending on the mission or purpose of the individual in
this incarnation. For instance, someone may be in this existence
to perform the service of Divine healing. Therefore they are
a healing channel. In their own way, they do channel the energy
from the divine directly into the body of their client. But unlike
a clairaudent channel, they do not "hear" messages.
- The 1st level of channeling is to tap into the higher consciousness
of the individual channel.
- The 2nd level is to communicate with the Spirit guides or
teacher(s) of the client, or the channel themself.
- The 3rd level comes with the Soul Group.
- The 4th level is with the Divine Conscious Mind.
- Not every channel can reach all these levels, but those that
can reach the 3rd for instance, can also reach the 1st and 2nd.
This level of channeling brings with it a great responsibility
for service to spirit. That service covers things like learning
discernment, unconditional love, sharing knowledge, and helping
people achieve their own empowerment and enlightenment.
- The 4th level brings with it some special energies or lessons
for a channel to achieve before this connection is allowed. And
not just anyone will be given the opportunity to achieve that
level of channeling. 4th Level Channels are also called Multi-Dimensional
Channels, because they can reach into multiple dimensions of
the God Conscious mind. They reach this 4th level, only through
trance or semi-trance and with guidance from the Divine energies.
The energy that is sent through the connection is too great for
a conscious channel to handle, no matter how powerful or strong
they think they are. Thus the trance state is a key tool utilized
by the Divine to make these types of connections.
- The universe is a hierarchy, with laws of balance and order.
If these requirements did not exist, then anyone could be a channel
just by raising their hand. No spiritual enlightenment, no karmic
connections and no wisdom needed. Now would you want to get information
about your job, loves, or future from someone who hasn't been
prepared by the divine to be a messenger. Let's face it, that
is exactly what a channel is, a messenger of spirit.
- For more information about what your personal gift and talent
is, you might want to read the "Psychic
Development - Developing Your Talents" article.
Remote Viewing
- This is the ability for a psychic to gather information about
an item hidden from their physical view, often at a long distance.
The term was introduced by Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff in
1974. The problem with this term is that it's new and is reportedly
something that has been recently developed. A large market for
lessons and services popped up around this term, especially since
it's been incorporated into modern day entertainment mediums.
- This isn't new, it's not a new concept or a new ability that
a person can develop. In actuality this is a very common ability
practiced by everyone on the planet. Ever lost your keys and
tried to stand in your living room to "see" where they
are? That's what this is all about. Nothing more, nothing less.
The more connected you are to your psychic senses, the easier
it is for you to connect to an item and see what it is, or where
it is, or gather information about it.
- Any practiced psychic who has a talent for Clairsentience,
Clairtangency or Clairvoyance already has a strong connection
to viewing an object at a distance. But the ability is not limited
to these 3 specific types of abilities. With a dedicated practice
to learn about, practice and use your own 6th sense, you can
develop this ability yourself.
- Sources: 1, b6,
b10, b13,
h7, h10,
o1, o2
- Created: 10/03/1996 Updated: 11/10/2008