
 Transmigration vs. Reincarnation
vs. ReBirth

of The Soul: (death science)
- The basic theory is The Soul-Mind leaves the physical body
upon death and enters another body according to past behavior
and spiritual needs. The new body can be human, animal, plant,
reptile or anything alive. When the animate life dies, the soul-mind
can come back into human form or animal, it depends on the needs
of the soul.
Now my first thought is: Don't
confuse this with reincarnation, cause they're not the same thing.
- There are those who believe this is the path of the soul,
period, end of sentence. Some think if you build up too much
negative karma, then you're cast down into animal form to experience
the brutal survival instincts and life of the animal kingdom
to repent. Others think it's an honor to come back into physical
as an animal, sort of a reward for reaching a certain level of
of Spirit (life science)
- As for me ~ I don't believe in transmigration. Now let me
tell you why.
- The life force of the physical body (the soul) does not die
with the physical body, but goes on living in the etheric world
for a period of time. During this time the soul learns lessons,
just as it does when in an incarnated state, but it also repays
karmic debt by serving souls that are alive..these spiritual
beings are what we call our Spirit Guides, our Spiritual Teachers.
- There is a human being seed within the soul-mind of every
individual, that contains the essence of perfection. Like all
seeds, this one declares that the soul-mind of an individual
can not attain that perfection unless it is giving the opportunity
to grow, learn and experience. The soul assumes a succession
of personalities through incarnated lifetimes, to share emotional
and intellectual experiences in order to progress to the next
level of enlightenment.
- Now in my mind, this process requires the interaction, freewill
and choice that come with living as a human in order to progress
the soul. To me, it's an evolutionary process, going back into
animal form would be de-evolution and inhibits the soul from
moving forward.
- I don't think there's a right or wrong answer, I just know
which one I feel comfortable with. The Hindus believe in Transmigration,
maybe they've come to understand something that I just haven't
gotten yet. But for me, reincarnation fits my perception of what
the soul is and how it progresses through the evolutionary process
to return to the Divine perfection and image.
- Let's distinguish rebirth from transmigration. Buddhists
consistently speak of rebirth and not transmigration. This is
because in Buddhism they do not believe in an abiding entity,
in a substance that trans-migrates. They do not believe in a
self that is reborn.
- For example, when a sprout is born from a seed, there is
no substance that transmigrates. The seed and the sprout are
not identical. Similarly, when we light one candle from another
candle, no substance travels from one to the other, and yet the
first is the cause of the second. When one billiard ball strikes
another, there is a continuity, the energy and direction of the
first ball is imparted to the second. It is the cause of the
second billiard ball moving in a particular direction and at
a particular speed.
- This is rebirth, but not transmigration. There is moral responsibility,
but not an independent, permanent self. There is the continuity
of cause and effect, but not permanence.
- Sources: 1, b2,
b4, b7,
b8, b9,
o14, b15,
- Created: 04.01.2001 Updated: