What Are They
and Where Did They Come From?
- The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient manuscripts known by some
as "the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times."
They include books of the Torah (which forms the Christian Old
Testament) and non-Biblical texts dating from 100 BC to AD 68.
The scrolls are records of events created and recorded by scribes
of the day. They are a thousand years older than the oldest Hebrew
{Masoretic} text of the Torah. The English version of the Old
Testament is based on this version of the Torah.
The scrolls are believed to have
been written during one of the most important periods of the
Jewish people, on the eve of Christianity. They provide an enormously
valuable resource for the study of Biblical texts and the people
who wrote them, as well as, of the Jewish history during the
4th century BC. The scrolls shed new light on the foundations
of Christianity and the influence of Judaism on the Christian
- The first scrolls were found in 1947 in a cave on the northwest
shore of the Dead Sea, in Jordan. They were found by a Bedouins
shepherd who account of the discover has changed over the years.
What is known about the original 7 scrolls found, is that the
Bedouins tribe sold them to 2 antiquities dealers in Bethlehem.
Three of the scrolls were acquired for the Hebrew University
in Jerusalem, the other four were sold to the Syrian Orthodox
Christian church, at the Monastery of St. Mark in the Arab quarter
of Jerusalem.
- The metropolitan (the head of the Syrian Orthodox Church)
took his scrolls to the American School of Oriental Research
in Jerusalem for examination. Satisfied that they were genuine,
the American School photographed them and announced the discovery
to the world in April 1948. These scrolls then made their way
to the U.S. and finally were bought for the Israeli government
for $250k. Eventually, in 1954 the remainder of the scrolls also
came into the possession of the government of Israel.
- During this wheeling and dealing, the Bedouins continued
looking in the caves for additional scrolls. They did find thousands
of fragments which they continued to sell to dealers. In 1949
the Department of Antiquities for Jordan, and the French Dominican
School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, took over the search. They
found hundreds of manuscripts, including almost all the books
of the Old Testament.
- The seven scrolls found in the first cave were the most important.
There were two scrolls of the Book of Isaiah, one complete, the
other incomplete. However, there is enough information to at
least piece together some tidbits of well needed information.
The Scrolls
- The Manual of Discipline
- Also called the Rule of the Community, gives detailed information
on all matters concerning a Jewish sect that lived an ascetic
communal life on the shores of the Dead Sea. This sect is believed
by most scholars to have been the Essenes. (you might check
out the FMMC website to learn more about this very important
community). There were however, 2 other sects in Judaism at the
time, the Sadducee and the Pharisees. However, each sect did
refer to itself as the Sons of Light.
- The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness
- This script discusses the coming victory over the Sons of
Darkness. The Commentary on the Book of Habakkuk tells of the
defiling of the sanctuary of God and the persecution of the Teacher
of Righteousness, who was driven into exile by the Wicked Priest.
Enemies called the Kittim are described as plundering and slaying.
- The Thanksgiving Hymns
- This is a collection of songs similar to Psalms.
- The Book of Lamech
- Also called the Scroll of the Apocryphal Genesis. Written
in Aramaic this scroll seems to be the Book of Genesis. It describes
the journeys of Abraham, the beauty of Sarah, his wife, and a
recount of Noah's birth. This scroll was so deteriorated, it
was 7 years before it could be unrolled.
- The Copper Scroll
- In 1952 a copper scroll was found in 1952, but was broken
and too brittle to unroll. The Manchester College of Technology
in England created a way of cutting the scroll into paper-thin
strips which the letters could be read. The scroll contains a
long list of hiding places of treasures of enormous value. Some
200 tons of silver and gold are itemized. They were hidden in
wells, in tombs, and near certain trees and springs. Some scholars
believe the list to be imaginary or symbolic. Some think it may
be a catalog of the treasures of King Solomon's Temple, others
that it's a list of actual treasures from the Essenes.
- The Temple Scroll
- In 1977, a translation of this the 8th and largest of the
scrolls was published. The scroll itself is 27-feet and dates
between the 2nd century BC and 70 AD. The document establishes
clear links between early Christian doctrines and the religious
teachings of the Essenes.
Their History
- Near the caves is a ruined area known as the Arabs as Khirbat
Qumran. Archaeologists have been excavating the ruins since 1951.
They believe this area to be the community center of the Essenes
and that it was the civilians of this community who documented
their history in the scrolls. But there are some who believe
the ruins are a military fortress and the scrolls are a treasury
of Jewish writings sent out of Jerusalem for safekeeping--to
be hidden in the caves away from the 1st-century Roman invaders.
- From the artifacts found at the dig, the site is dated during
the reign of Alexander Jannaeus (103-76 BC). It was destroyed
by an earthquake in 31 BC and probably restored during the time
of Herod's son Herod Archelaus (ruled 4 BC-AD 6) by the same
community that occupied it before.
- In the war that followed the Jewish revolt against the Romans,
the people who lived in the community center at Khirbat Qumran
were driven away or exterminated in 68 AD. Before the Romans
arrived, however, the Essenes hid their library in jars in the
surrounding caves. Where they remained during earthquake, destruction
and finally time.
Their Controversy
- Now you know that everything that has to do with religion
always has to have a controversy. Did you think something as
important as these scrolls would be different?
- The biggest controversy is not really about the Scrolls and
what they are or what they represent as an impact to our current
belief systems. There at least seems to be a consensus about
their importance and general origin.
- The problem comes with modern man..of course..and the scholars
translations of the individual scrolls. Some archeologists have
laid blame to the many "religious" scholars who are
attempting to decipher the texts. Charging that their "biased"
perceptions are influencing their particular translations. Where
a Christian scholar would read a phrase a certain way to support
the coming and purpose of Jesus as the Savior, a Jewish scholar
would interpret the same phrase as supporting just the opposite
- However, the so called "unbiased" perceptions aren't
necessarily any more accurate. Regional differences, even though
some are very slight, exist between translations between a few
European translators and some Israeli scholars.
- All these "different" translations began when the
Israeli government held the scrolls under lock and key..only
allowing a select few review their writings. It wasn't until
the mid 1980's that the unofficial publication of the scrolls
became available to all who wanted to see them. A college professor
from Chicago was invited to view the scrolls. During his examination
he was able to make photostat copies of each page and fragment.
When he returned to the US, he published those pictures and copies.
- Of course the Israeli's were in an up-roar, but by then it
was too late. Eventually more professional copies of the scrolls
were distributed to the "scholarly" crowd and the interpretations
abound..even today.