
 The Archangels

- Overview
- From a Metaphysical perspective there might be some differences
in characteristics between each Archangel, but for the most part
Pagan Metaphysics holds a similar definition of these angels
as is held by non-Pagan religions.
- The Archangels
- Gabriel
- Hebrew Gavri'el, Latin Gabrielus.
- Literally his name translates as "Master, of God"
ie: A master who is of God.
- Gabriel serves as the messenger of God and is referred to
as the "left hand of God".
- He first appears in the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible.
- In biblical tradition, he is sometimes regarded as the angel
of death, the prince of fire and thunder, but more frequently
as one of God's chief messengers. His horse is named Haizum.
- The Archangel of Vengeance.
- Occult Associations:
- Blue
- Water
- South
- Governs the Moon and Monday
- The ruler of Shamayim, the First Heaven. One of the Angels
of Death.
- Michael
- Hebrew Micha'el, Latin Michael
- Literally his name translates as "who is like God"
- He appears in the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible and
in in the Book of Revelation.
- The Archangel of Mercy, Repentance and War (or Battle), his
name is a battle cry for the host of angels as they battle for
- Occult Associations:
- Red
- Fire
- East
- The spirit of the planet Mercury
- Governs Sunday and Thursday.
- Bringer of patience, courage, motivation, achievements and
- He is sometimes associated with variant colors of Red, such
as orange and violet.
- He is a common Angel of protection and is represented in
candle magik with a gold or white candle. One of the Angels of
- [Image to the right is Guido Reni's painting of Michael]
- Raguel
- Hebrew Ragu'el
- Literally his name translates as "Friend of God"
- He appears in The Book of Revelations, Matthew, Daniel and
the Book of Enoch.
- He is not mentioned by name in the Canonical writings of
the Bible.
- Archangel of justice, fairness and harmony.
- Raguel watches over other angels to make sure they are working
well together with mortals in a harmonious and orderly fashion
according to Divine order (Rev 3:7 - 13) and will. He is the
basically the Sheriff of divine will, which means he is in constant
counsel with the lawful and good deities he serves to keep the
divine world pure of corruption.
- Occult Associations:
- White
- Air
- North
- As the guardian of justice he is known for handing out punishment
when transgressions occur. This makes him an Archangel of karma.
- Raphael
- Hebrew Rapa'el
- Literally his name translates as "God has healed"
- First appears in the Book of Enoch.In Christianity he only
appears in the deutero-canonical Book of Tobias (Tobit).
- Archangel of Healing, Science and Technology. Guardian of
the Tree of Life.
- Occult Associations:
- Yellow
- Air/Fire
- North/East
- Governs Saturn
- As the Archangel of healing, he is sometimes associated with
shades of green in candle magik.
- Remiel
- Hebrew Remi'el or Rami'el
- Literally his name translates as "Mercy of God"
- He is not listed by name except in the Book of Enoch as one
of the 7 archangels.
- Remiel is the Archangel of hope and guidance. Guiding souls
of the faithful into Heaven.
- Occult Associations:
- Purple
- Earth/Water
- South/West
- Neptune
- He is responsible for divine visions and is considered to
be the messenger or guide of psychics.
- Sariel
- Hebrew Sari'el, also listed as Araziel.
- Literally his name translates as "light of God"
or "moon of God"
- Appears in the Book of Enoch
- Sariel is represented as a female, ruling over visions and
wisdom. She also is depicted with warrior abilities.
- Occult Associations:
- Green
- Fire
- South/East
- Governs the Sun
- She's often associated with holding the knowledge of magik
and rituals.
- Associated as one of the Angels of Death, she rules over
judgment with her wisdom.
- Urel
- Hebrew Uri'el
- Literally his name translates as "Flame of God"
- Appears in the Book of Enoch
- Often sent by God to give instruction to mortals. This often
associates him as the Archangel of knowledge. He's also associated
as the angel of poetry.
- Occult Associations:
- Orange
- Earth/Fire
- North/West
- Governs Sunday
- Satan
- Not often thought of an Archangel, it's important to remember
that Satan was an Archangel long before he was associated as
the Ruler of Hell and Evil, and nemesis of Mankind.
- Hebrew Satan
- Literally his name translates as "adversary" or
- In the Book of Job, ha-satan ("the adversary")
is a prosecuting attorney against mankind in the heavenly court
of God. He is known as the accuser and is the angel which questions
mankind's loyalty to God. He argues that man is only loyal because
God gives them prosperity. He is often sent by God to test Mankind's
faith and loyalty. Because of these assignments, he is given
the label of Angel of Evil. It would be more accurate to view
Satan as playing the role of opposition to the rest of God's
hosts of angels. Questioning their loyalty as well as that of
Mankind. In many ways, it was a thankless job, but one assigned
to Satan by God.
- Occult Associations:
- Brown
- Earth
- West
- Governs Saturday
- Associated as the Archangel of Justice and Adversity, Satan
is often used in candle magik with brown or black candles. It's
unclear when Satan and Lucifer merged into one preceived being
as the Devil and ruler of the Underworld.
- Lucifer
- Lucifer was originally a Latin word meaning "light-bearer"
- A Roman astrological term for the "Morning Star",
the planet Venus.
- The word Lucifer was the direct translation of the Greek
eosphorus ("dawn-bearer"; cf. Greek phosphorus, "light-bearer")
- The original Hebrew text of this verse was heilel ben-schahar,
meaning "Venus, son of the morning" or "Venus,
the brilliant one",
- - In the literary tradition, Satan was called Lucifer before
the Fall from Heaven. According to the legends of the rebellion,
Lucifer was the chief in the hierarchy of Heaven, and the preeminent
Arch Angel among all created beings in beauty, power, and wisdom.
To him God allotted dominion and power over the earth; and even
after his fall from grace, he seemed to still retain some of
this power and status, if not all of it. Lucifer's sin was pride,
an act of pure egoism and malice; he loved himself, above anything
else and to the exclusion of everything, without the excuse of
- As governor of Heaven, he was seated next to the Lord; but
as soon as God left His seat, Lucifer, swelling with pride, would
sit himself on the heavenly throne. A indignant Michael becomes
enraged by Lucifer's pride and arrogance and battles with him,.
After a angelical war, succeeds in banishing Lucifer and his
followers from Heaven, casting all down to the infernal dwelling
for all eternity. The one once called Lucifer in Heaven, was
now named Satan on earth; the angels that joined with him became
the demons, of whom he was lord.
- - The Urantia Book, published in 1955, explains Lucifer as
a brilliant spirit personality, a "son of God" who
at one time ruled over a set of inhabited planets. He fell into
an iniquitous rebellion against the ordained universe in a denial
of God's existence; saying he was God. "There was war in
Heaven" but, according to The Urantia Book, the story has
become convoluted over time. Unlike most legends that have Lucifer
becoming Satan, the Urantia tells a story about Lucifer being
friends with a spiritual being known as Satan.
- Lucifer recruited Satan, another brilliant being of the same
order, to represent his cause to the universe authorities on
earth. The then planetary prince of earth, Caligastia - one and
the same as "the devil", believed Lucifer's cause and
subsequently aligned himself, along with 37 other planetary princes
in the system, with the rebels. They all attempted to take their
entire populations of their planets under the assertion of a
false doctrine, a "Declaration of Liberty" which would
have driven them to darkness, evil, sin and iniquity.
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- Source: 1, b1,
b2, b8,
b9, b15,
b18, o2,
o3, o5,
o6, o7
- Created: 03/28/1999 Updated: