
 Angel Groups

The Angelic Groupings:
- From a Metaphysical perspective there might be some differences
in characteristics and communications between each Angelic Group,
but for the most part Pagan Metaphysics holds a similar definition
of these angels as is held by non-Pagan religions.
- In addition to the Angelic Hierarchy, there are also 9 groupings
of the Angels which govern and provide guidance on the universal
aspects of life to incarnated souls. These aspects are:
- Angels of the Apocalypse
- The Apocalypse as defined in the biblical sense reveals the
events of the End of the World.
- Many metaphysicians believe this "end of the world"
prophecy is actually the point in time when the "Christ
consciousness" arises in all human beings. Putting to rest
any need for fundamental religious beliefs like Christianity
or Judaism and so on. The Angels associated with the Apocalypse
Group are:
- Raphael - The archangel and guardian of the Tree of Life
- Michael - The archangel of mercy and repentance
- Gabriel - The archangel of vengeance
- Orifiel - The angel of chaos
- Anael - A fallen angel
- Samael - The Angel of Death, and of Demons, both good and
- Zacharael - The archangel and guardian of order
- Angels of Death
- This group governs the journey of human spirits into eternity,
for better or worse. They appear in many belief systems and are
often shown with a sword and eyes of fire.
- From a Metaphysical perspective these are the Angels that
watch over the transitions of life to death and death to life.
- The Angels who govern the Death journey are:
- Azrael - An Arabic Angel
- Mot - A Babylonian Angel
- Adriael - A Rabbinic angel
- Hemath - A Rabbinic angel
- Suriel - An angel of Falasha folklore
- Michael - A Christian angel
- Mairya - A Zoroastrian angel There is also:
- Kafziel
- Meshabber
- Kezef
- Hemah
- Malach
- Apollyon
- Leviathan
- Angels of Destruction
- These are the Angels of punishment and vengeance. They are
often called the Angels of the "Sword of God" delivering
Divine punishment in the form of wrath and sometimes even death.
It is estimated that there are over 100,000 of these Angels all
in the service of devils. They often make themselves known in
physical form as tricksters, false prophets and "unholy"
spiritual leaders. They are very frequently in the area when
a terrible disaster or event occurs.
- From a Metaphysical perspective these are fallen angels that
have been sentenced to a physical existence for interfering with
incarnated souls. Even though they have been 'condemned', like
all incarnated beings they have free will and choice to redeem
their karmic debt. This group of fallen angels have chosen to
continue their interference and pile up their negative karma.
- A few of the better known angels in this group are:
- Kemeuel
- Af
- Uriel
- Azriel
- Simkiel
- Angels of Peace & Truth
- Many religious foundations recant a time when the Universe
was created by God. The lineage of the planets, stars, human
kind and all the inhabitants of the world. According to some
legends there were 2 angels opposed to the idea of human beings,
feeling this concept would have a negative affect on the universe
in both peace and truth. But God punished these 2 angels for
their opposition and burnt them.
- The name for the Angel of Peace has been long since forgotten
or unknown
- However the Angel of Truth was known as Amitiel.
- When these 2 angels were destroyed, the Archangels Michael
and Gabriel stepped forward to take their places.
- Another Angel of Truth in some early belief systems was known
as Amanacus
- Angels of Mercy
- A human who broke the Divine Law of God would often find
them self before an Angel of Mercy. Their job was simply to dispense
compensation to a few worthy humans. These angels understood
the plight of humankind and often tried to guide the mis-guided
back on the path of Divine order.
- From a Metaphysical perspective these are the Angels who
assist spiritual healers tap into Divine Healing energy and channel
it for their purpose. This is done to protect the healing channel
from being overwhelmed by the strength of this Divine Energy.
- The Angels of Mercy are often seen as:
- Rhaimel - St. Francis of Assisi's angelic name
- Michael - The Archangel who rescues human souls from damnation
- Gabriel - The Archangel often seen with an olive branch of
peace between the divine and the human kind
- Zehanpuyu - Known as the Messenger of Mercy
- Zadkiel - Who saved Abraham from killing his son. Zadkiel
is know as the Angel of Mercy and Memory.
- Angels of Fire / Angels of Energy
- As with most natural elements, Fire contains several aspects
of burning, being burned and so on. In believing the Universe
was created from the breath and fire of God, this element is
singled out amongst the rest.
- From a Metaphysical perspective this group is misnamed and
should be known as the Angels of Energy. Much like the Angels
of Mercy they assist incarnated souls tap into the Divine energy
of nature, but include all the elements Earth, Air, Water and
- These Angels represent all these aspects of Divine Energy:
- Areal - The angel of the Magical Energy (Air)
- Atuniel - The angel of Healing Energy (Water)
- Nathanael - The "Lord of Fire" he either destroys
with fire or protects souls from the fire.
- Ardamel - The angel of the Demon Energy (Earth)
- Gabriel - The Archangel who brings Divine Energy to humans
- Uriel - The angel who guards the gates of paradise with a
sword of flames, also know as the "Flame of God"
- Seraph - The angel who guards the element of Fire
- Angels of Hell
- Whether you believe Hell is a place of final and eternal
damnation, or a place that is self created here on earth, the
elements of Hell are the same. Hell is divided into 7 chapters
and 7 cabins (also referred to as lodges). Each of these is governed
by an Angel of Hell. There are over 800,000 demons associated
with the chapters and cabins.
- A few of the more well known are:
- Kushiel - The angel of stubborn rigidness, who governs with
a whip of fire.
- Lahatiel - Guards the "Gates of Hell" and is often
known as the "Flaming One".
- Dumah - The Angel of Silence, who represents the vindication
of Hells deathly stillness
- Shaftiel - The Angel of Shadows
- Chutriel - The Angel of Pain and Remorse
- MacCathiel - The Angel of Eternal Damnation, also known as
the "Unforgiving One"
- Pasiel - The Angel of Magic and Transformation
- Guardian Angels
- For everyone on Earth, or in an incarnated state anywhere
in the Universe, there is a Guardian Angel watching over their
day, lives and spiritual path. This angel protects you from harm
when an event occurs that isn't associated with karma or a spiritual
lesson. But some believe that even then, the Guardian Angel can
interceded and lesson the blow.
- One of the more well known Guardian Angels:
- Raphael - the Archangel who guards the Earth and Heals the
ailments of Human kind. Once in disguise, Raphael helped Tobias
defeat a demon and allowed him to marry Sarah.
- Angels of the Zodiac
- For every aspect or cycle of time, there is an angel guarding
and directing spiritual lessons, or karmic events. These angels
are primarily associated with a particular time on the Astrological
calendar, but as time and "human progress" have grown,
these angels are now also associated with the calendar months.
- Aries: MacHidiel - March
- Taurus: Asmodel - April
- Gemini: Ambriel - May
- Cancer: Muriel - June
- Leo: Verchiel - July
- Virgo: Hamaliel - August
- Libra: Uriel - September
- Scorpio: Barbiel - October
- Sagittarius: Adnachiel - November
- Capricorn: Hanael - December
- Aquarius: Gabriel - January
- Pisces: Barchiel - February
Return To Angels Explained
- Source: 1, b1,
b2, b8,
b9, b15,
b18, o2,
o3, o5,
o6, o7
- Created: 03/28/1999 Updated: