
 The 7 Soul Rays / 7 Spiritual

The 7 Soul Rays or Spiritual Realms
- The notion of 7 Soul Rays or 7 Levels of Spiritual Realms
is becoming a popular topic of conversation amongst spiritual
seekers these days. Probably in part because of it's interconnection
with many different faiths and belief systems. From Christianity
to metaphysics and Angel seekers, the 7 Soul Rays play a role
either in your understanding of how souls are connected to each
other and to the divine, or how they play a role in the future
of spiritual evolution.
The Christian
- From the Christian Bible, the 7 Spirits of God in the etheric
world are in charge of the Seven Major Rays of God or 7 Soul
Rays. These Rays are colored wave lengths or energy rays emanating
from the "great White Light" of Jehovah, visible to
mankind in the form of a rainbow. The 7 angels in charge of the
rays are also called the Lords of Light. They have earned a lofty,
rank in the angel hierarchy and their function is to guide the
development of mankind. These are the 7 angels that stand before
God as described in Revelation 8:1.
- Revelations (8:1)When the Lamb opened the 7th seal, there
was silence in heaven. Then I saw the 7 angels who stand before
God, and 7 trumpets were given to them...(8:6) Now the 7 angels
who had the seven trumpets made ready to blow them. (8:7) The
1st angel blew his trumpet and there followed hail and fire,
mixed with blood, which fell on the earth. ..(8:8) The 2nd angel
blew his trumpet and something like a great mountain, burning
with fire was thrown into the sea... (8:10) The 3rd angel blew
his trumpet and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a
torch....(8:12) The 4th angel blew his trumpet and a 3rd of the
sun was struck and a 3rd of the moon and a 3rd of the stars,
so that a 3rd of their light was darkened; .. (9:1)The 5th angel
blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth
and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit.
...(9:13)The 6th angel blew his trumpet and I heard a voice from
the 4 horns of the golden altar before God, saying to the 6th
angel who had the trumpet "Release the 4 angels who are
bound at the great river", ..who held the day, the month
and the year to kill a third of mankind. ...(10:1)Then I saw
another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud
with a rainbow over his head. His face was like the sun and his
legs like pillars of fire. He had a little scroll open in his
hand. He set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the
land and called out with a loud voice like a lion roaring."
- Revelations continues in 16:2 with the 7 bowels of wrath
and what the 7 angels do with the bowels. You can read these
chapters or all of Revelations to find out more about the 'destruction'
of God's world. In the 6 bibles we have in our house, none of
them specifically mention the names of the angels and their descriptions
of the 7 Rays vary.
The Metaphysical
From the metaphysical
point of view, the 7 Rays are not so drastically destructive.
They interrelate with the 7 planes of the etheric world (The 7 Spiritual Realms) or what could be
called the 7 realms of spiritual evolution. These realms are
connected to many concepts in metaphysical philosopy. They relate
to the 7 Cosmic Cycles, to the 7 levels
of energy in the Chakra system, and
to the 7 Original Initiation Schools.
- The idea being that we as spirits evolve through each plane
of existence until we finally reach the 7th Divine Level or Realm.
There is some suggestion also in early metaphysical works, that
there are 7 sets of 7 planes, as you complete the lessons and
understandings of one of these sets, you move on to the next
until all are complete and you have melded back with the Divine
- My personal belief is that there is only 1 set of 7 planes;
and the 7th is the plane of the Divine. This idea isn't new,
and the idea that the 7th level is a divine place of existence
is actually embedded in many of our phrases, 7th Heaven comes
to mind as an example.
- The concept that each plane in the etheric world is connected
to a corresponding chakra point also has some merit. If you study
the chakra centers you can correlate the purpose or function
of each center with a period or phase of a souls evolutionary
process. The Crown chakra, is considered to be the souls connection
point to the cosmos or spiritual consciousness. It is the fastest
moving center energy wise and emanates with a white energy. Sounds
much like the "7th Heaven" concept within the individual
soul, does it not?
The Angelic View
- As I mentioned, the "names" of the angels before
God are not explicitly defined in the Bibles we have in our home.
Most of these are from the King James version, but we have 1
"Living Bible" which is a modern interpretation. However,
the 7 Angels of God are mentioned in other spiritual texts, such
as the Torah, the Dead Sea Scrolls and in many theologian reference
material. Through several of these sources I found the names
of the 7 Lords who sit before God. These are the Archangels,
or the leaders over all the hosts of Angels.
- Archangels are the messengers of the high planes (or the
7 planes of spirit), who introduce the spiritual life or purpose
to the human spirits in order to fully prepared the soul for
it's reunion with the divine hosts. A fancy way of saying the
Archangels prepare us for the reunion of our spiritual selves
upon the 7th plane or divine level of existence.
Archangel |
Function or Purpose |
Mikha'el (or Michael) |
War, Repentance and Mercy Presumably
Michael is the 1st Angel of Revelations. |
Gavri'el (or Gabriel) |
Fire and Vengeance Presumably Gabriel
is the 2nd Angel of Revelations. |
Rafa'el (or Rafael) |
Guardian of Life, Angel of the Sun Presumably
Rafael is the 3rd Angel of Revelations. |
Uri'el (or Orifiel ) |
Chaos and Destruction, Guardian of the Gates of Paradise. Presumably Orifiel is the 4th Angel of Revelations. |
Suri'el (or Samuel) |
Angel of Death, or Journey Presumably
Samuel is the 5th Angel of Revelations. |
Zacharael (or Zachariah) |
Order and Justice Presumably Zachary
is the 6th Angel of Revelations. |
Sachiel (or Zadkil) |
Wisdom and Memory Presumably Sachiel
is the 7th Angel of Revelations. |
Sources: 1, b8,
b9, o2 |