
 The Seal Of Solomon

The Seal of Solomon:
- The seal was developed as symbol of unity and family at the
suggestion from one of Solomon's wives. Each symbol within the
seal holds a special meaning. From our research, this is the
general meaning of each object. Some see this seal as one of
the first magikal sigils in recorded history. I'm not so sure
of that claim, but ok.
The star at the bottom of the seal (also known as the Star
of David) represents the land of Israel which was built from
the reign of David and established to it's glory during the reign
of Solomon.
There is some debate about the meaning of the small crescent
moon, and the two small pyramids on either side just above the
smaller Star of David. Some scholars suggest it is a symbol of
Solomon's kingdom, a tribute to his winning battles to conquer
his enemies. Others suggest it is an alliance, a tribute to the
ancestry of his most beloved wife who was reportedly from a foreign
soil. The star at the top of the seal represents the Divine hand,
the God of Israel. The two lines that fall from the lower tips
of the star are reportedly the representation of the divine light
shinning down on Israel and the realm of King Solomon.
King Solomon: (960? BC).
- King of Israel when he was a young boy, Solomon is considered
to be one of the most magnificent kings in history. He succeeded
his father, David, to the thrown and began his rule of the most
powerful and wealthiest kingdom in that time. The southern border
of his kingdom began in Egypt and ran north to the Euphrates
According to the Christian Bible, God appeared to Solomon
in a dream. Solomon asked God for understanding in his heart
and mind so that he could rule his kingdom with true justice
and honor. God granted the prayer and Solomon became a great
King not only to his own subjects, but as consultant to other
rulers who came to ask his advice. Kings, Princes and dignitaries
from many other lands brought friendship and gifts to the Israeli
king to form alliances and gain his favor.
The famous queen of Sheba brought a caravan of gifts containing
spices, gold and gemstones to honor Solomon. She questioned him
and provided him with much entertainment with her many riddles.
Again the Christian bible foretells Shebas' declaring to Solomon,
"Behold, the half was not told me, thy wisdom and prosperity
exceedeth the fame which I heard."
As the story is told, Solomon conquered many lands and over-lords
to carry out his father's plan of creating a temple dedicated
to Jehovah. It took seven years to build the temple of stone
and cedar, with carvings overladen with gold. In the center of
the temple is stands a marble and tile mosque known as the Dome
of the Rock, which became a focal point for worship in Israel.
The ruins of the temple of day are barely noticeable due to the
destruction and reconstruction of Israel. The Muslims have recapture
part of the land and have build their own mosques for Muhammad.
Both mosques sit on what is commonly called the Temple Mount
or the Haram. The western boundary of the Haram is the Western
Wall which is the retaining wall of Solomon's Temple. What we
know as the Wailing Wall.
Solomon built many other temples in his kingdom as well as
this special one, but these were dedicated to other deities.
These temples and altars were primarily created for the Kings'
many foreign wives who did not share in the beliefs of Israel.
These additional temples created a very diverse religious kingdom,
and many Israeli's in his court held great animosity for these
deeds. In their mind, it deprived Israel of a uniformed belief
that had once been a great asset of strength to the kingdom.
In addition, Solomon over taxed his subjects to maintain much
of these luxurious temples, altars and his own palace which was
adjoined to the Temple of Jehovah.
Presumably, it was during this time of rest of indulgence
that Solomon recorded his collection of love poems, which many
have come to know as the Song of Solomon. In actuality, the Song
is really a collection of 5 poems, that describe the fall of
Jerusalem, the reign of Israel and the love of his favorite wife.
It is in this final poem that Solomon declares the vastness of
his love, which covers the mountains of Amana (the mountains
of truth) to the borders of Babylon. The mountain Amana was so
called to honor a much earlier physician who was in the service
of an Egyptian Pharaoh during the 5th Dynasty; his name was Amanacus.
The Story of King Solomon's Mine
- Is it a myth or did it really exist? The legend of King Solomon's
mine is based in part on the wealth of his kingdom, but can attributed
to the writhings of Henry Rider Haggard, (1856-1925). Haddard
was a British Novelist who's works included "King Solomon's
Mines" and "Allan Quartermain". Both books foretell
of a great treasure of gold and wealth hidden in a mine deep
in the jungles of Africa.
If legends are based on truth, then the wealth of Solomon's
kingdom is part of that truth. During his reign, Solomon received
many of his riches as gifts from other kingdoms. Most of these
gifts were delivered to his kingdom through the Phoenician mariners.
These sailors were great merchants and traders of the world,
who worked in the silver mines of Spain, or on the British Isles
for tin and even ventured to the southern coast of Africa. Originally
from the Syrian coast, the Phoenicians founded many colonies
around the Mediterranean and European ports. The greatest of
these was Carthage.
From Carthage the legends of the Phoenicians grew. Not only
were they renowned mariners, but they were famed craftsman as
well. Metal, glass and cloth work became part of their trades.
They developed the purple-dye industry in their colony known
as Tyre and the glass industry in Sidon. The established relations
with the Hebrews, and King Solomon called upon the King of Phoenicia
when the time came to build his famed temple for Jehovah.
It is this close relationship between Phoenicia and Solomon
that created the legend of the mines. As the story goes, Solomon
hired the Phoenicians for the delicate craftsmanship of carving
and inlaying the temple with pure gold. The gold was mined in
Africa and shipped to Israel by the Phoenicians. When the temple
was complete, Solomon continued his dealings with Phoenicia for
the gold being mined. This gold and many of the treasures Solomon
received from African kingdoms were stockpiled inside the mine
itself, until it was ready for shipment to Israel.
However, after Solomon built his temple to Jehovah, he began
to fall out of favor with his subjects. His character came under
question as he created the altars and temples to other deities
for his many wives. Out of fear for his wealth and the stability
of his own fortune, Solomon stopped the shipments from Africa,
but the work continued. the Phoenicians continued to stockpile
his treasures inside the unused or fully tapped chambers of the
mine. Reportedly, the legend continues, these shipments were
never delivered to Israel and still lay unclaimed within the
caverns of King Solomon's Mines.

Source: 1, m1,
m4, m5,
m7, m8,
m9, m10,
m13, m14,
m16, m18,
m19, m23,
m24, m25,
m36 |