
Creating Your Magik Circle

Your Spiritual Space
- Most witches consider their spiritual space to be their magikal
circle. A magik circle is a space where a Witch will conduct
rituals and ceremonies. It is the gateway between worlds, spiritual
and physical realms come together and allow you to communicate
with spirit, conduct spiritual work, rituals, ceremonies and
- As with everything in the spiritual essence of the world,
even a circle has a few guidelines that need to be followed.
The circle is not to be broken by someone stepping into this
space unless a gateway has been prepared for them to enter. Nor
should a Witch step outside the circle during a ritual unless
a door way has been prepared.
- A circle is used to draw a visionary boundary that protects
a Witch from outside forces while conducting spiritual work.
Many witches use visions of blue flames or divine white protection
to create this boundary.
- Others choose to create this circle in the physical sense
as well. Either by drawing a circle on the floor in a permanent
means, or by using a nine-foot cord made from natural fibers
that can be easily placed and removed as needed. Sand, salt or
herbs can also be used to draw the circle. The important aspect
of circles is that it is your space. And you must feel comfortable
and secure while youre within its boundaries.
- When you have selected the area to place your circle, you
should Clear and Cleanse the energies
before you draw the circle. Many Witches will place a broom at
the doorway of the circle as a tool that designates the entry
point of the witch or someone else who will be called into this
space for work. The broom is also a symbol of a spiritual barrier
to keep out unwanted energies from entering your sacred space.
- To draw a doorway, a Witch should use a wand or athame to
cut a "hole" in the energy field. Many Witches will
use incense to close the doorway, using the smoke to symbolize
the divine energy field.
- Once your work is complete, you must close the circle and
ensure the energy has been properly shut down. Leaving an open
gate is not only disrespectful to the forces that assisted you,
but also dangerous for you and your home. Closing the circle
is as simple as 1-2-3.
- Thank the guides, teachers, God/Goddess that you called or
who came into the circle to offer assistance during your work.
- Imagine the energy around the circle lowering around you,
toning down and fading so to speak.
- Finally, clear the space with a blessing and ask the energies
to close the gate. If the circle was a temporary fixture, then
remove it and store it appropriately.
- Source: 1, c3,
c4, c8,
c13, s1,
s2, s4,
s5, s6,
s7, s11,
s14, m1,
m5, m18,
- Created: 02/27/2005
Updated: 03/10/2008