Reiki Master - A Perspective
- Before I can begin the postings on this section of Reiki,
I need to make a clarification if only for myself and peace of
- It took a long time for me to decide how
to make these postings in a method that would give out useful
information to seekers, yet maintain the respect and essence
of the Reiki traditions. Those traditions state that much of
the knowledge given in Reiki II and Reiki III are to be treated
with great reverence and in secret. Not to be shared with anyone
outside the Reiki II or Reiki III levels.
- I've pondered this controversy for many years.
I myself am a traditionally trained and traditionally certified
Master. In my loyalty to the Reiki tradition, I have not shared
this information with anyone outside "the ranks" before
creating this section of PagansPath. However, since I became
a Reiki Master, many new masters have begun to break the ranks
and have published their training knowledge in various books
and on the web. No longer is it secret and reserved to the traditionalists.
- Reiki II training consists of symbols and
meanings that aid in the delivery of Reiki to a needed party.
However, these symbols and meanings have long been treated as
secret knowledge, only to be shared with students trained in
the traditional manner. But the concepts, knowledge, symbols,
their names and even their uses are not new, nor are they uniformed
from certified Master to certified Master. So many of the new
published works are different from one another, because the authors
were trained by different Masters who received their training
from different Takata Masters, who were taught different symbols
by Takata herself.
- Each Master taught by Takata was given their
own set of symbolic movements. All similar but definitely different.
Each meaning and use of those symbols were also different, perhaps
created for the specific teacher, a set of energy that would
be best utilized by that person. No one knows the real reasons
behind these differences, but there's no denying that they exist.
- But for what reason has this information
been kept secret? Actually a better question might be, how did
it get put into this secret society in the first place?
- After doing a great deal of research, I've
come to my own conclusions. Not just about the secrecy of Reiki,
but much of the spiritual knowledge maintained by Druids, Wiccans,
some Native American Tribes and so on. Here is a brief explanation
of what I found and what I have concluded.
It doesn't matter how far back into history you go, somewhere
you're going to find a time when the beliefs you hold dear to
spirit were considered to be evil, not the norm, or heresy. During
this time, many religious sects went underground and created
secret societies. That is definitely the case of the Druids and
neo-Pagans, but it even fits for the beginning ages of Christianity
and yes, even healing methods such as Reiki.
During those times, it really makes some sense why these secret
societies were formed. To be labeled and convicted as a witch
might mean being beheaded, hung, burnt on the stake or death
by some other such painful tortures.
Well, this isn't the 13th century any longer and here in America
at least, we don't behead people for being Druid or Pagan. So
is it still necessary to keep these wonderful spiritual concepts
secret? Do we really need to undermine, attack or degrade those
individuals who wish to "go out on a limb" and speak
freely about their beliefs? (Getting off my soap box) Back to
Reiki -
- As mentioned this "secret" information has already
been published in several books in and outside of the United
States, by self proclaimed Masters and by some legit Masters
as well. I've read several of these texts and interestingly enough,
I found the same respect and the same perception of reverence
and divine usage of those concepts were represented and remained
in tact. The honor to Reiki has not been lost, just because the
information is no longer secret.
- Recently I spoke with a close friend of mine, who I considered
to be one of the most spiritual people I've ever had the pleasure
of knowing. We both are Reiki Masters, taught in the Usui method
and through the traditional methods, fees and attunements. So
we approached our look into the controversy with somewhat of
a biased view. We discussed the meaning of healing and how it
related to the method of Reiki. We discussed the concepts of
secrecy and why it came about. What's more, we discussed why
we thought it continued today. We discussed the "fad"
of the NewAge movement and the dark side of that fad, the arrogance,
ego and greed.
- The clincher for us both was when we each were looking for
some information in our Master's handbooks. Although we achieved
our master levels from different lines of the Usui system, mine
from Beth Gray and hers from Fran Brown, our master's handbooks
were almost identical. At practically the same moment we both
found a scribbling in the margin that we both assumed was taken
during our Master's class. The note was different, but the meaning
seemed to be the same.
- "Trust in your heart, and recognize this information
as knowledge you already hold within your being."
- Then we recited the Reiki Principals
together and suddenly our perception seemed clearer. The information
contained in these postings are not new. They are not secret
and should be shared as a means of understanding concepts of
others, beliefs of others and in learning respect for others.
- What goes hand in hand with this are the
current Reiki Controversies. Some I
question and some I agree with. But you may wish to review these
before continuing.
- I still believe in the traditional teachings
of Reiki and the concepts of formally learning a healing method
by a certified master. But I also believe that the information
contained on this site are not new, nor should they be segregated
to just one group of individuals. We all know this, it's just
that some people don't realize they know it.
- If the information contained in this section
on Reiki in any way offends a certified Reiki Channel or Master;
than I humbly apologize. My intention does not come from ego,
arrogance or greed. Rather it is from a great respect and a desire
to share in spiritual understanding for all to learn.
- The only part of Reiki training you will
not find here is the Level 3, Reiki Master training. In part
because I believe it's easy for anyone to hang out a shingle
and claim to be an expert at something. I don't want to give
these people an easier method to defraud people.