
 Glossary Of Terms

It might make your journey into magik easier if you were familiar
with the labels and meanings of some magik terms. This is definitely
not an complete and inclusive listing, but I hope it helps.
~ Alphabetical Index ~
~ A ~ B ~ C
~ D ~ E ~ F
~ G ~ H ~ I
~ J ~ K ~ L
~ M ~ N ~ O
~ P ~ Q ~ R
~ S ~ T ~ U
~ V ~ W ~ X
~ Y ~ Z ~
- Ages
(astrological) A cycle of civilization, approximately 2,500 years
in length, wherein the soul mind of man grows, progresses and
attains some level of enlightenment.
- Age of Aquarius
An era of time that begins a new transformation of all living
things into a period of love, light and life. A tremendous period
of enlightenment as all inhabitants look to find the higher meaning
of life, spiritual purpose and expression. The age we are about
to enter.
- Age of Cosmic Consciousness
A period of time within an astrological cycle beginning in 1920
and lasting to 2020. A time when the planet Earth is affected
by a shift within the Milky galaxy producing a struggle of purification.
This struggle can be seen within the physical shifts of the planet
as well as, within the human race as mankind opens to an awareness
of higher states of consciousness.
- Air
The first element of the alchemical tradition. Air is the essence
of intuition and learning, the element of the North and the nature
of the mind.
- Alter
A place inside or outside your home designated as sacred and
spiritual. Usually includes a table where spiritual symbols and
tools are placed.
- Amulet
An object worn or carried which acts as a protective force for
the wearer. Such as as crystal, a medallion like the St. Christopher
medal or the Abracadabra of the Gnostics.
- Animal Guide
A spiritual animal (usually 2 different kinds) who walks along
an individuals spiritual path with them. These animals will embody
many of the talents, and strengths of the person they walk with,
and help guide the footsteps when weaknesses appear.
- Angel
A spiritual being who acts as a messenger between the Divine
realms and the physical plane of existence. This being has never
been in an incarnated state.
- Anoint
To bless or pass on the responsibility of spiritual purpose to
an individual, animal, place or thing with "holy" water
or a special consecrated oil (most often rose oil).
- Archetype
Symbols or images that represent the emotions or knowledge of
the subconscious mind. Images within a tarot card are symbols
or messages for a recipient, these images are the archetypes
or mirrors of subconscious emotions.
- Astral Projection {Astral Projected Travel ~ APT}
To will the conscious mind into the soul body and then to project
ones conscious self out of the physical body into the etheric
realm. The length and location of the projection is preplanned
and preprogrammed. The projection requires an altered state of
awareness such as a deep meditation. The physical and soul bodies
are attached through the solar plexus by a silver cord.
- Astrology
An organized doctrine used for divination and understanding of
oneself. Through examining the placement of astrological objects,
one can discover underlying meanings of events, a persons character
traits or foretell future events.
- Athame
A ceremonial double-sided dagger used to represent the balance
of all things. The blade is often etched with magikal symbols
specific to the owner.
- Aura
An energy field around a living object, such as a person, plant
or animal. Depending on the energy level and vibrational frequency
of the energy, it can be seen in varying colors moving or glowing
around a living object.
- Banish
To ward off or force the exit of energies that are not wanted
in your presence. Banishing unwanted spirits, or negative thoughts
would be two examples.
- Binding
A method of controlling the actions of another. Most often used
to control someone from doing harm to themselves, to you or to
another. It's important to note that a binding is manipulation
and goes against the creed of faith of 'And in it, do harm to
- Blessing
Requesting Divine energy be wrapped (inside and out) around an
object, person or event in love, honor and kindness. To wish
good thoughts and peace upon an object, person or event.
- Book of Shadows
A personal book maintained by a practioner of magik, which contains
spells, incantations, rituals and personal spiritual experiences.
- Cast/ing
An event designed to 'put forth' energy for a specific purpose
or ritual. Casting a spell is an example.
- Casting A Circle
An event designed to set Divine energy in a certain circular
area for a specific intent.
- Cayce, Edgar
America's Sleeping Prophet. He was able to provide intuitive
insights into nearly any question imaginable. Today his psychic
readings constitute one of the largest and most impressive records
of intuitive information to emanate from a single individual.
- Celtic
A person or association of Welsh, Irish and Scottish heritage
and some parts of northern Spain.
- Censer
An incense holder, often in the form of a small cage, which is
hung from a chain. Held by the chain and swung around an area
to spread the energy and vapors of the incense burning within.
- Centering
To balance oneself by bringing your physical and spiritual being
into an alignment of energies. "Going within" is a
form of centering.
- Channeling
The ability to direct Divine energy through ones physical self
to another person, place, event, animal, plant or whatever is
desired. (Also see Healing Channels and Divination Channels).
- Channels
A person who has developed the knowledge and awareness to direct
Divine energy through themselves. "The Tools of Divine Spirits"
is often an accurate label for a Channel. Can also be known as
a Medium.
- Chanting
A repetitious word(s) or sound(s) often used as a form of prayer
and spiritual focus.
- Charging
A method of setting a specific intent or usage on an object.
Often performed during a spiritual ritual to 'charge' an object
with a specific Divine energy which will be used for a specific
intent. Charging a crystal with healing energy would be an example.
- Charm
An object which holds beneficial energies for the carrier. (See
also Verbal Charm)
- Circle
A round area designated for spiritual rituals or ceremonies.
(See also Wheel of Life)
- Commune
The ability to communicate or share experiences with spiritual
entities. Communing with Angels during a spiritual ceremony is
an example. (Don't confuse this with Channeling).
- Consecration
To sanctify, or bless and object for a specific spiritual use.
A complete ceremony which includes clearing current energies,
protecting the object and charging it for a specific use.
- Coven
A group of people who gather in an organized fashion on a regular
bases to practice their magikal beliefs through ritual and ceremony.
Most often associated with Witches, however a Coven can be formed
with any manner of magikal practioners.
- Craft
O.E. cræft "power, strength, might," from Proto-Germanic.
*krab-/*kraf-. Sense shifted to "skill, art" (via a
notion of "mental power"), which led to the n. meaning
of "trade." Use for "small boat" is first
recorded 1671, probably from some nautical sense of "vessels
of small craft," referring either to the trade they did
or the seamanship they required. Use of the word in modern contexts:
another name for Witchcraft. When we say Craft, we are talking
about the practice of a skill utilizing the Science of Energy
Manipulation; also called Magik.
- Crystal Gazing
To perceive psychic visions with a naturally formed crystal or
crystal ball surface, that relates to the masses or to individuals.
Most often using a natural crystal ball, not a man-made lead
crystal ball.
- Dark Moon
Another name for the New Moon. Often refers to a time of rest
when no magikal ceremonies or rituals should be conducted.
- Dedication
A ceremony marking ones dedication to a spiritual path or tradition.
This is often a personal ritual, designed to firmly set one's
spiritual intent on their chosen path.
- Deasil (Deosil)
Moving in the direction of the sun, or in a clockwise motion.
- Divination
The gift of "feeling" universal energies and being
able to interpret their patterns into verbal explanations. Interpreting
symbolic meanings held within a tarot card is also a form of
- Divination Channel
There are varying types of divination channels, as a whole, this
is a person who has developed the knowledge and awareness to
tap into Divine energies to interpret their patterns or meanings
for spiritual understanding, or forecasting a coming event or
- Divine, The
A label used to refer to the God-like consciousness of the Universe.
A complete and fully encompassing 'spiritual energy'.
- Drawing
In Magik, Drawing a Circle, Drawing Down the Moon and so on,
is a ritual or ceremony to pull into yourself and your environment
Divine energies for interaction.
- Drawing Down The Moon
A ritual designed to draw the presence of the Divine (God/Goddess)
into oneself (or a Coven's Priest/Priestess) to be the personified
figure of a Divine being.
- Dressing a candle
Anointing a candle from the wick outward through the wax with
scented oil for a specific spiritual use.
- Druid
Originally a Celtic order of Astronomers and Healers. The association
has migrated to people who hold a strong understanding of nature
and hold an attachment to Divine energies and spiritual purpose
to preserve it.
- Earth
The fourth element of the alchemical tradition. Earth is the
essence of grounding and stability, the element of the West and
the nature of balance.
- Elements
In alchemy terms, the world is divided into four major elements:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
- Energy
A force or inherent power which is part of all living things,
seen and unseen.
- Esbats
Associated with the phases of the Moon, a ceremonial time which
is perfect for magikal work, such as Casting, healing, consecrating
tools etc.
- Essence
An intrinsic, fundamental nature or quality of something. The
inward nature of anything which represents the underlying characteristics
and relation to anything else.
- Essene
An ancient Jewish sect of ascetics and mystics which existed
in the 2nd century.
- Essential
To be needed or required of something. In strict usage:
That which constitutes the absolute essence or fundamental nature
of a thing, and therefore must be present for it to exist.
- I know this isn't a magikal term, but consider the significance
of the root portion of this word 'Essen' then review the previous
two definitions (Essence, Essene). Maybe you too will find it
- Etheric
An other term for the spiritual world. That which exists in pure
- Familiar
An animal which has a strong psychic link with a Magikan (often
associated with a Witch). The animal is considered to be a magikal
partner who adds energy and insight to magikal communications,
events and practices.
- Fates
The three Fates: Birth, the thread of Life and the transition
of Death.
- Feminine Energy
The intuitive, feeling side of life. The female aspects of the
God/Goddess. {In a simplistic example: You think your hungry
(that's feminine energy), you get up and make a sandwich, (that's
masculine energy).}
- Fire
The second element of the alchemical tradition. Fire is the essence
of purification and change, the element of the East and the nature
of the will.
- Full Moon
Full Moon nights are used for all magikal endeavors. These nights
in particular are perfect for magikal works and drawing favorable
energy in ceremonies and rituals.
- Ghost
An astral body or spiritual entity showing itself as a human
being, only hazy or less dense than a physical body. Most often
a soul that has transitioned to death, but does not want or does
not know they have passed. Seen always in full form from head
to toe. Can also be called a phantom.
- God/dess
A specific male or female representation of the Divine force
of all creation. Many Pagan belief systems define 'God' as the
God/Goddess recognizing the essence of both male and female energies
within the Divine force.
- Grail
A magikal cup cauldron or horn used primarily in Celtic and European
traditions. Utilized as a grail, these vessels hold elixirs for
healing, wines for ceremonial rituals, or as a symbol of the
'water of life'. {see also Holy Grail}
- Great Spirit
Often associated with Native American terminology, this is a
label assigned to the Divine force of all creation. Like the
God/Goddess of the Pagan, the Great Spirit symbolizes all aspects
of the Universe. Can also be associated to Celtic beliefs as
the Great Spirits, making the word plural to fully recognize
that all things are part of the Divine forces of all creation.
- Grimoire
(Latin ~ gramarye "magik"). Often used to refer to
a book of magikal incantations, spells, elixirs and potions.
- Grounding
To become 'connected' to the earth and calm energies.
- Guardian Angel
An angelic being who watches over the souls of several individuals
simultaneously. A force that can be called upon for protection,
assistance in rituals or for help in gaining clarity on issues
in ones life.
- Guardians
The energies/entities of the four Elements, four directions and
four watchtowers of nature. Can also be associated with an individuals
personal guide.
- Guide
A spiritual being who assists an individual through certain aspects
of their life. There are 4 types of spiritual guides in ones
life: Spirit Guide, Relative Guide, Guardian Angel, Master Teacher.
Always seen from head to torso, floating on air; never with legs
and feet. {see also animal guides}
- Healing Channel
A person who has developed the knowledge and awareness to direct
energy from the Divine forces to a person, animal, plant, place
or thing for the purpose of healing.
- Herbalism
Using various plants as creams, powders, deodorizers and other
such productions to promote health. Scientists today have proven
many of the 'Old Wives' remedies handed down from the Middle
ages, do hold value. {see also Magikal Herbalism}
- Hermetic
Described as spiritual texts which date to the early days of
Christianity. These writings describe information on astrology,
magik, mysticism and alchemy.
- High Magik
A form of detailed and strict ceremonial magik based on Egyptian
- Higher Self
The part of each individuals soul which contains the root memories
and wisdom of Divine knowledge. The part of the soul that connects
all spiritual beings to the collective Divine conscience.
- Holy Grail
In the Christian tradition, the cup used by Jesus during the
last super. Which was later used to catch the blood of Christ
during the crucifixion.
- Holy Water or Holy Oil
A liquid which has been blessed by Divine spirit and consecrated
for a specific use in a spiritual ceremony, ritual or event.
- Initiate
An individual who has taken on the responsibility of becoming
a servant or teacher of spirit. A Wiccan priest and a Catholic
Nun are both forms of an initiate.
- Initiation
A form of vow or dedication to a particular belief system. Initiations
mark the acceptance and dedication of a spiritual path, most
often a coven or tradition. Initiations are performed by invitation.
- Intuitive
Everyone is intuitive to some degree. Some are just more sensitive
to the subtle energies around all things. Being intuitive means
being able to sense or "feel" those energies.
- Invoke
To call upon spiritual forces, energies or entities. To invoke
magik is to summon magikal energies for a particular purpose
or event.
- Jack-O-Lantern
A hallowed pumpkin with a carved face and lit from the inside
by a candle or light. Used in modern days as a decoration for
Halloween. It's original purpose was a tool to ward or scare
off spirits that might come haunting on All-Hallows-Eve or Samhain.
On this night, the veil between life and spirit is opened and
spirits walk freely amongst the living.
- Jehovah
Another name for God, especially in the Christian translation
of the Old Testament.
- Jinx
To place bad energy or negative purpose on an individual, situation
or spiritual tool. {Remember what you put out you get back 3
- Karma
The Law of Cause and Effect. which is held by those with a belief
in reincarnation. The basic principal of Karma is being responsible
and accountable for whatever you do in your life. Either now,
in the future or in a future lifetime.
- Kitchen Witch
An individual who practices their own combination of magik within
their home and with tools and objects found in and around their
home. This is a very special, simple and personalized form of
magikal practice.
- Kettle
A pot used for boiling. In magik a kettle is often an iron or
brass pot. Used as both a mixing bowl and/or a utensil for heating
herbal remedies, a magikal kettle has been consecrated during
a spiritual ceremony for the sole purpose of spiritual use. Much
like holy water is blessed by a Priest for the specific purpose
of anointing ones soul with Divine energies.
- Kilt
A skirt made of tartan wool, with deep pleats. Mostly worn by
men of the Scottish Highlands.
- Kinetic Energy
The force or 'energy' created by motion.
- King James Bible
A translation of the Christian Bible for use by the Protestants.
Often seen as the worst manipulation of the scriptures for political
and personal gains.
- Kismet
A Turkish based word meaning fate or fortune.
- Koran
The sacred text of Islam. Believed to contain the knowledge bestowed
upon Mohammed by Allah.
- Labyrinth
An intricate set of passages, in a building or garden. In earlier
times, the labyrinth was used as means of spiritual searching.
An individual would enter a garden of tall box-shrubs and walk
the labyrinth, presumably learning about their own nature and
personality as they succeed and fail throughout the passage ways.
- Lady
An other term for the female aspect of God/dess, most often used
in conjunction with 'Lord'.
- Light, Divine
Spiritual energy from the Divine forces, that can be seen as
a bright white light.
- Lord
An other term for the male aspect of God/dess, most often used
in conjunction with 'Lady'.
- Magik
(also magick, magique) c.1384 from O.Fr. magique "art of
influencing events and producing marvels"; from L. magice
"sorcery, magic"; from Gk. magike female form of magikos
"magical," from magos "one of the members of the
learned and priestly class". Practitioners of Witchcraft
adopted the Greek spelling "magike" and later "magik"
to differentiate between stage magic and the science of energy
manipulation. The practiced faded and was repopularized in the
first half of the 20th century by Aleister Crowley when he introduced
it as a core component of Thelema. Using the will to affect universal
energy for a specific use and purpose. Often considered by many
as supernatural, practioners see it as understanding the most
basic of natures principles and being able to interact and work
with those energies. When we speak of Magik we are talking about
the science of energy manipulation through ritual, ceremony or
spell as a conscious direction of will to accomplish a goal.
- Magik Circle
An area designated as a sacred space for spiritual practices.
Outlined by items of nature, such as a rope of natural fibers,
stones, wood or even people, the sacred circle based on the principles
of the 'Wheel of Life'.
- Magik Name
A name given to an individual for spiritual purpose. The name
can be given by a Spiritual Guide, a Spiritual Teacher or a family
relative. This name is used in magikal ceremonies, or as a means
to identify the "spiritual" nature of a person.
- Magikal Herbalism
Combining the scientific with the spiritual. A means of mixing
plants into herbal remedies while enhancing the known attributes
and energies of the plants to aid to it's effectiveness through
magikal rituals and/or consecrations (or spells).
- Magikan
Someone who has studies several styles or sects of magik and
has chosen bits and pieces from all for the bases of their own
personal spiritual ideals. A person with very loose affiliations,
if any at all, to any particular esoteric belief system.
- Masculine Energy
The 'do' or grounded side of nature. The masculine aspects of
the Divine within us all. {In a simplistic example: You think
your hungry (that's feminine energy), you get up and make a sandwich,
(that's masculine energy).}
- Master Teacher
A spiritual entity on a higher spiritual plane of existence,
who assists certain individuals designated as spiritual teachers
(such as the Pope, a Minister, or Priest/Priestess, etc.). They
help with the responsibility of leadership, the dissemination
of knowledge, and the more advanced spiritual evolutionary issues
that a spiritual teach must be cognizant of.
- Medicine Pouch
A ceremonial bag which holds a variety of objects which hold
special or spiritual meaning to the owner. It can contain, stones,
feathers, amulets or charms. For healers it is often filled with
useful herbs which are utilized in healing ceremonies and practices.
- Meditation
A form of prayer. A means of quieting the mind, balancing ones
energies and raising the conscious mind to a higher plane of
Divine existence.
- Metaphysics
Meta "higher and beyond", physics "study
of science". A philosophical doctrine that all things
are a part of one main source (intelligence and energy), and
that each thing animated or inanimate should be respected for
its particular form of this one main source. From Latin, the
study of science beyond the physical realm, studying the first
principals or underlying creations and causes of things.
- Moon Magik
A magik ritual, ceremony or practice conducted in association
with a particular phase of the moon. Most often aligns one's
energies and purpose to the feminine aspects of the Divine.
- Namapathy
The practice of conducting healing through combining sound and
music composed for the specific purpose of healing.
- Namaste
A Hindu term meaning "I salute the divinity in you".
Usually said with the palms pressed together in front of the
chest and with a slight bow.
- Nature Divas
An order of divine angels that govern the realms of nature, such
as Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Plants and Animals.
- Nature Spirits
An order of spiritual beings beneath Nature Divas, who act as
nature messengers between the spiritual and physical realms.
Often called Nature Sprites.
- Nature Sprites
See Nature Spirits.
- Near Death Experience {NDE}
To be declared clinically dead and returned to life remembering
the experience of the Life Force leaving the physical body the
reason for returning.
- Necromancy
(Latin ~ necromantia "divination by corpses") To perceive
psychic information with the help of the etheric world for guidance,
protection and prophecy.
- Neo-Pagan
Neopaganism: coined in the days of the Great Greek thinkers,
it is a label assigned to pagans who follow a set of nature based
beliefs and practices. Today's Witchcraft is more neo-pagan than
anything else. .
- New Age
A cultural movement combining beliefs in various eclectic, pagan
and eastern religions or philosophies. Also connected with a
period of time of intense spiritual growth from 1920 to 2000.
- New Moon
A phase of the moon when the lunar planet is between the earth
and the sun and the dark side of the moon is facing the earth.
A phase in magik that is used for personal growth, healing and
blessing of new projects or ventures. It's also a good time to
consecrate new tools and objects you wish to use during rituals,
ceremonies or an up coming festival.
- Night Witches
A force or person who works their magikal practices only at night
for the purposes of creating negative energies, spells or prayers.
- Nirvana
In Buddhism, Sanskrit and Vedic, the state of perfect spiritual
bliss achieved by the absorption of the soul into the supreme
- Novena
A period of nine consecutive days when one practices their spiritual
beliefs through prayers and devotions.
- Numerology
The practice of attributing meaning or characteristics to numbers,
such as birth dates.
- Nymph
Any group of minor nature Goddesses living in trees, rivers and
woodland areas.
- Oak People
A group of Druids who lived in England.
- Oak Tree
(Celtic, Germany, Slavic and Rome) A Tree species believed to
be chosen by The Divine Spirit as a spiritual tool or gateway
to divine energies. Anyone who drew energy from it would go to
heaven. Often worshiped in ceremonies and rituals. Also called
the Tree of Life.
- Occult
(Latin ~ occulere, "to conceal") That which
is hidden behind outer appearances and is embedded in magik al
or mystical. In Western philosophies, to use nature to develop
psychic skills and to constructively probe ancient mysteries
and philosophies for the purpose of spiritual growth and enlightenment.
- Ontology
From Aristotle ~ the study of dealing with the fundamental essence
of all things, visible and invisible, as opposed to material
- Oracle
(Greek) A person or thing that serves as an agent of divine communications.
Can also be a building or shrine where a God speaks to people
through the priests or priestesses.
- Oracle At Delphi
A building constructed on a mountain slope that emanated a peculiar
vapor. When the psychic Pythia sat in the building the vapor
reportedly helped to open her psychic doors and permit Apollo
to work through her. Together they gave guidance to individuals
and leaders of countries.
- Order of the Golden Dawn
A society founded in England during 1887 by the Rosicrucians.
It was patterned after the Hermetic Society and brought many
great ancient truths from the spirit world to it's members.
- Osiris
(Egyptian) A symbol of the God of creation, King of the Underworld
and symbol of immortality.
- Ouija Board
(French and German) A trademark for a manufactured board that
spells out answers to questions. It has been known to draw the
inferior entities to move the indicator and provide false information.
When used as a game or by those who do not fully understand how
to protect ones energies and raise their vibrational levels to
the Divine spirit, this tool can lead to physical dangers. It
is not the tool of choice by positive energy psychics.
- Out Of Body Experiences {OBE or OOBE}
Occurs when the soul body moves out of the physical body into
the etheric realm. This occurs randomly during sleep hours to
replenish the vitality of the physical body and/or to work through
spiritual, karmic, or clarification lessons at a higher level
of awareness. The soul body is always attached to the physical
body through a long silver cord attached from the physical solar
plexus to the soul body's solar plexus.
- Pagan
c.1375, from L.L. paganus "pagan," in classical L.
"villager, rustic, civilian," from pagus "rural
district," originally "district limited by markers,"
thus related to pangere "to fix, fasten". By modern
definition: any religion that does not espouse to the doctrine
of Abrahamic religions, which include Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. When we say pagan we are talking about the 'rural adherence
to the old gods', meaning religions that do not follow the doctrine
of Abrahamic religions. This would include a large category of
religions from ancient Buddhism to Shamanism. In mid-evil times
pagans were seen as non-Christian and therefore were considered
to be heathens.
- Pagan Metaphysics
Because of the centuries of persecution, propaganda and negative
connotation, many modern neo-Pagans are moving away from the
title Witchcraft for the religion and replacing it with Pagan
- Palmist
A person who interprets the lines of the palm into spiritual
or symbolic meanings
- Palmistry
An art of analyzing all aspects of the hands to "tune into"
one's past, present, future and general characteristics; such
as health and wealth; to provide guidance and spiritual information.
- Pantheism
(Greek ~ pan "all") A doctrine that God is ALL. The
sum total of everything that exists. Includes animate and inanimate,
all celestial bodies, and that humans are manifestations of God,
as is all emotions, good and evil; and so on.
- Pantheons
(Greek ~ pan "all", theos "gods") A temple
or building for all the Gods. Today many Pagans see this as a
listing or grouping of the the major deities of any religious
system which make up the "whole" deity and the single
source of divine power. Artemis, Athena, and Isis are examples
of female Pantheons. Apollo, Bacchus and Odin are examples of
male Pantheons.
- Paranormal
Anything beyond the present accepted explanations of science.
Often pertains to psychic events, gifts or beliefs.
- Parapsychology
The study of invisible energies around all things and their action
and reaction to mankind through other means than the normal five
- Pendulum
A tool made of string, thread or chain with a weighted object
attached to one end. Used for communicating between the the physical
and spiritual worlds.
- Pentacle
(French ~ "to hang") Any talisman used for psychic
operations that "hangs" from the body, most often the
neck in the form of a necklace. Acts as a shield, passive and
defensive, for physical and psychic protection, as well as, to
enhance one's energies when called upon.
- Pentagram
A five pointed star, often encased in an outer circle. Symbolizing
each aspect of the universe. Considered to be one of the most
powerful spiritual symbols of all ceremonial rites.
- Phantom
An astral body or spiritual entity showing itself as a human
being, only hazy or less dense than a physical body. Most often
a soul that has transitioned to death, but does not want or does
not know they have passed. Seen always in full form from head
to toe. Can also be called a ghost.
- Physical World, Body or Universe
That which we can see, feel, touch and taste with our five physical
senses. Pertains to the mundane third dimensional existence.
- Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is an endocrine gland, like the pituitary gland,
thyroid gland, adrenal gland, and pancreas. Because of our relative
ignorance about the pineal gland for so long, it became the object
of mythical theories and attributions. Rene Descartes called
it the "seat of the soul" because it appeared to be
the only brain structure not composed of two symmetrical parts.
The pineal gland is lodged very deep in the brain, close to its
center. From a metaphysical perspective it provides the connection
between the earthly realm and a spirit world.
- Piscean Age
A period of time associated with a particular phase of spiritual
growth and enlightenment. The age the planet is leaving as it
moves into the Age of Aquarius. The age of the fish and it's
element, water. which includes the sinking of Atlantis, the flood
of Noah, walking on water by Jesus, baptism into a spiritual
life by water, conquering the "flat" sea by the Vikings
and Columbus, discovery of the oceans by submarine and scuba
- Pituitary Gland
A double-bean-shaped organ suspended in a bony cavity beneath
the brain behind the upper bridge of the nose. Often called the
'third eye', the Pituitary is considered to be the location of
the 3rd eye or psychic eye. In the physical body, it controls
electrical impulses (the communications) from the Brain and pineal
glands, interpreting the physical and emotional energies from
these impulses, the pituitary regulates the release of hormones
of all other glands of the Endocrine system. Violet in color,
feminine in energy.
- Precognition
To perceive mentally or through a "gut feeling" regarding
the future of one's self other people or society as a whole.
Most often comes in the form of a precognitive dream, or a precognitive
vision during a meditative state.
- Psychic
(Greek ~ psychiokos "psyche, soul or that which is mental"
/ Tibet ~ "vital or secret") The sensitivity of the
mind and body to subtle vibrations in within the universe, often
called the 6th sense. Everyone is psychic to some degree. Like
the other five senses, each person has their own level of awareness
or ability with that sense, some people have better eye sight
than others, just as some people have a heightened awareness
to the unseen energies and vibrations within the universe.
- Qabalah
(Hebrew ~ also called Cabbala, Kabala, Kabalah, Kabbala, Qabala,
Quabalah, Quaballah and Quabbalah)
A book that carries the esoteric tradition of Israel, the ancient
Hebrew culture that gives the European spiritual culture its
roots. Traces back to the Chaldeans; put together in the Middle
Ages; the wisdom of a sacred and hidden science.
- Quarters
The four directions; North, South, East and West. The four elements;
Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Used in some witchcraft traditions
to creating a magik circle or sacred space for ritual, ceremony
or spiritual work.
- Quarrant
An individual or client, who desires to receive information from
a psychic nature.
- Quesited
A person who answers or provides psychical information to a Quarrant.
- Raising Vibrations
To accelerate the vibrations in an area or within an individual
to provide energy and increase ones ability to connect to the
higher realms of universal consciousness. Can be accomplished
through song, voice, clapping or intense meditative thought.
- Regression
(theory) The activation of the subconscious mind into the Akashic
records through meditation or guided hypnosis, to recall parts
of a past life. A very emotional experience of viewing a past
incarnation(s) and understanding how those events are affecting
the current physical embodiment now.
- Religion
What is sacred, reverence for the gods,". Modern sense of
"recognition of, obedience to, and worship of a higher,
unseen power" is from 1535. "Religious" is first
recorded c.1225. Transferred sense of "scrupulous, exact"
is recorded from 1599.
1. A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose
of the universe, especially. when considered as the creation
of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional
and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing
the conduct of human affairs. 2. A specific fundamental set of
beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons
or sects.
When we say religion we are talking about a group of people who
have organized a fundamental set of common spiritual beliefs
as the foundation for their religious practice.
- Reiki
(Zen ~ Rei "Universal" / Ki "Lifeforce" pronounced
Ray-Key) A method of healing by which the healer acts as a channel
for the universal or divine energies helping to direct that energy
into a person, animal, plant or even a situation.
- Reincarnation
(theory) A spiritual belief that the soul of a living thing never
dies, but instead transitions from one life time to the next,
gaining knowledge, wisdom and understanding. As well as redeeming
karmic debts and credits for deeds done during a past incarnation.
- Relative Guide
A spiritual guide who was a relative to you in this lifetime.
This spiritual guide helps an individual through the day to day
grind and nitty gritty processes of life. They are the spirit
who greets you at the door when it comes your time to transition
from life to death.
- Religion
A belief in powers higher than one's self, backed by faith and
personal experience rather than logic and science. Should also
contain basic principles particular to that group or order. Major
religions of the world: Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Hinduism, Islam, Sufism, and Wicca. Religion is the creation
of man, or more to the point, it is mans approach to God(s).
Thus the best we can hope for is that we find a method of approaching
God/Goddess pleasing to God(s) and to us.
- Religious Cycles
(theory) A high and low cycle of interest. All religions seem
to following this theory, when hundreds of people join their
sects and everyone becomes more active and interested, the religion
is said to be on a high. Then membership and interest falls within
the sect as hundreds of people leave the faith, and the religion
reaches a low point. This cycle is said to occur every 625 years.
- Ritual
A An event or particular form of ceremony that is built up by
tradition and carries with it a great amount of spiritual purpose,
focus and energy.
- Ritual Cup
A cup, bowl, horn or other type of drinking vessel which holds
liquid for use during a ritual. This liquid is also symbolic
in nature having been prepared for purposes of the gathering.
- Ritual Magik
(Europe, West Africa) Proven processes and ceremonies used to
execute a particular form of magik, such as summoning natural
forces, conducting incantations, consecrating and dedicating
magikal tools and so on.
- Runes
(Germanic/Celtic) An early form of writing, runes were chiefly
used for communicating and magikal markings. They were carved
on stones, wood or any where the user believed them to be most
- Sabbat
The eight festivals or holly high days of the year for pagans.
Celebrating the movement of life through the magikal calendar.
- Sanctuary
An area designated to be used for spiritual events and practices
only. Often includes some type of alter containing symbols of
spiritual significance for the group or person using the sanctuary.
- Sanskrit
An ancient Indo-European, Indic language; the most important
religious and literally language of India. A mystery language
of the Brahman.
- Scribe a Circle
To draw a magikal circle or wheel as an act of protection, within
a room, outdoor space or within a sanctuary.
- Scrying
"Seeing", to perceive psychic visions on clear, shiny
surfaces that relate to the masses or to individuals. Most often
using a clear crystal, clear water, polished mirrors, shiny black
ink and so on.
- Seance
An antiquated term meaning a group gathering of dedicated persons
and at least one well-grounded medium for the purposes of contacting
spiritual entities for communications.
- Shaman/Shamanka
(Sanskrit) In the strictest definition "one who lives life
in self-denial for spiritual purpose". However, this word
is more often viewed through it's secondary meaning "one
who is dedicated to a spiritual life achieving a level of leadership
and teaching". The term began in India and slowly migrated
in two directions, to Germany, Scotland, Ireland, to North America,
and from India to the Orient. Shaman is the masculine variation,
Shamanka is the female version.
- Shamanism
(Siberia, UralAltaic, Irish/Scottish, Central Asia, Orient, Native
American) A very highly respected profession wherein one serves
his or her community as a spiritual leader. Providing guidance
through psychic skills, healing abilities and communications
with Divine spirit. Believed to be learned from a past incarnation
and initiations, along with study and practice in the current
- Shape-shifting
(Tibet, Celtic and Native American) To physically transform one's
self into an animal, bird, fish or an inanimate object for a
temporary period for spiritual purpose. A secondary meaning states
it is the act of projecting the soul mind into an animal or plant
for purposes of communication, sharing knowledge and gain wisdom
by uniting energies to "feel" and interpret current
patterns within the universe.
- Sigil
A specially created symbol or seal that can be used in Magik
workings. It can be used as a sentence, phrase or incantation
pin-pointing ones actions and thoughts. It can also be used in
place of sentence or phrase.
- Silver Cord
An ethereal cobweb-like cable which connects the spiritual or
soul body to a physical body. Often seen when one astral projects
and looks back or looks down. It penetrates through ones ethereal
bodies from the solar plexus areas.
- Smudge Stick
(Native American) A bundle of herbs believed to have specific
spiritual properties. Should always include sage which clears
an area of negative forces, and a second herb for calling in
a spiritual aspect. Such as cedar for protection or lavender
for divination.
- Spell
A spell is merely a focused prayer, recited in triplicate during
a ritual commonly called a casting, or a spiritual ceremony.
- Spirit
The whole part of a living thing. The culmination of all past
life experiences, knowledge and energies.
- Spiritual Entity
An astral body or spiritual being showing itself as a human being,
only hazy or less dense than a physical body. Often becoming
visible when a message is to be given or help is called for.
Seen from head to torso, floating on air; never with legs and
- Spirit Guide
A spiritual guide, who was someone you knew in a past life. Someone
who is on the same spiritual level of knowledge as yourself to
aid and guide an individual through the higher purpose or mission
of their life in this embodiment.
- Soul
A pre-designated portion of the spirit which will be incarnated
into a physical body. The soul is connected to the spiritual
body through an energy "link" also called the silver
- Soul Mate
Most often confused as a "love" interest or life partner.
A Soul Mate is a kindred soul with whom you have a special spiritual
connection, which does not imply a sexual partnership. They come
into our lives to help us learn a major spiritual lesson that
will hopefully propel us over a deep chasm that has long been
part of our spiritual psyche. A soul mate can be a lover, a friend,
someone who suddenly comes into your life and then just as quickly
moves out (after the lesson is over). They don't come into every
incarnation, that's one of the things that make a Soul Mate special.
- Talisman
(Greek ~ teleo "to consecrate") An object consecrated
with psychic energy to serve a specific purpose and intent. Supporting
desired changes and support to it's owners environment or lifestyle.
- Taoism
(China) A religion which emerged from Confucianism. Concerned
with spiritual grown and was the major underlying influence in
China for 2,500 years.
- Tarot
A deck of specially designed cards used for divination. The designs
are used as symbolic messages for the reader to interpret and
relate to the client or quarrant.
- Threefold Law
A belief that any energy put out into the divine universe will
return to the sender three times. Ancient beliefs state the energy
will return to the sender three times, to the mind, body and
spirit, thus the threefold.
- Three times Three
A request by a witch during an invocation that the energy being
sent out will return three times to each aspect of the human
whole. In other words, each aspect of Mind, body and spirit has
within it these same aspects. Three times Three is a request
for karmic energy to return to each mind, body, spirit aspect
within the whole being of Mind, body and spirit. Or to return
9 times.
- Torah
The sacred text of the Hebrew faith. Torah is the Hebrew word
for Law, in this case God's law for living a spiritual life here
on Earth and in the after life.
- Totem
(Native American) An object, plant or animal that serves as a
hereditary badge or emblem for a tribe, clan or family. It represents
the "whole" aspects of group. A totem can also serve
as a sacred symbol for an individual, representing the whole
spiritual being of that person.
- Traditions
c.1380, from O.Fr. tradicion (1292), from L. traditionem (nom.
traditio) "delivery, surrender, a handing down," from
traditus, form of tradere "deliver, hand over". The
notion in the modern sense of the word is of things "handed
down" from generation to generation. Among neo-Pagans, a
body of teachings, or any one of them, held to have been received
from family/clan/cultural group ancestors and originally handed
down orally from generation to generation. When we speak of Tradition
in the neo-pagan community we are speaking of a specific group
that implements the beliefs held by the religion of Witchcraft
and further defined and put into practiced by a specific set
of activities held in troth to that group. In other words, a
Tradition of Witchcraft further defines the beliefs and put those
into practice based on their own troth, creed or rede of faith.
- Triple Goddess
(Pagan, Wiccan, Feminine Religions) The individual aspects of
the one Goddess, the Maiden, Mother and Crone. This feminine
theme of a divine deity is represented in every culture around
the world. She is often represented by the three phases of the
moon; Waxing, Full and Waning.
- Twin Soul
At the time of your creation into a spiritual essence, you were
created with an equal counterpart. Many people call this simultaneous
creation of two spiritual beings the birth of Souls, thereby
making your counterpart your Twin Soul. These two souls progress
along their spiritual paths on a very individualistic basis.
Never incarnating together, and most likely not even in the same
solar system. It's part of the Universal balance, the creation
of Yin and Yang so to speak.
- Under world
A spiritual plane of existence, considered to be on the "low"
or dense end of the spectrum. A place where spirits are trapped
for various reasons, they do not realize or they are angry they
have passed, committed suicide or are bogged down with some kind
of major karmic debt. Hitler for instance would be an example
of this last reason.
- Universal or Universal Consciousness
Pertains to the 'all', all things seen and unseen within all
of divine creation.
- Universal Hierarchy
(esoteric) A belief that there is order and form to the universe.
Within that order is a hierarchy of spiritual law and action
containing seven levels or seven plains of existence. At the
time of creation, a spirit began it's process of growth on the
first plane. Learning lessons and gaining enlightenment through
several lifetimes allows the spirit to evolve to the next level.
Angelic beings travel to all levels acting as messengers for
the spirits who have evolved to the 7th level.
- Veil of Forgetfulness
A thin invisible field that shields the conscious mind and physical
senses from the etheric world. Designed as a veil of protection
for the physical mind.
- Verbal Charm
A word or set of words designed to give blessings or requests
from Divine sources. "Bless You" is a form of charm.
- Vibration
A specific pattern within energy. Each thought has it's own pattern
and therefore it's own vibration as an example. A person who
is sensitive to energy can distinguish the pattern or meaning
behind an energy form by sensing it's vibrational frequency,
color, sound and/or order.
- Visionary
A psychic who can perceive messages from spirit in the form of
images, pictures or scenes through the third eye. Most often
these people can also put a pictorial form to any energy pattern
they "tune into" and interpret that image for themselves
or others. Visionaries can be very uncanny with their ability,
often causing some people to feel uncomfortable at their ability
to read beyond the surface.
- Wand
A symbol of air. Most often a slender stick or small staff used
by a Magikan as a psychic tool. Serves as an instrument to direct
the energy emanating from a channels hand to an object, event,
person or a situation the magikan wants to create.
- Warlock
(Scottish, Anglo-Saxon) An ancient term often misused. The European
derivation of Warlock means "Oath Breaker", therefore
most European traditions of the Craft do not use this word. However,
the Norse derivation means derives from 'vardlokkur' which meant
a man with the power of binding spirits using runes, calls and
knot-magic. It was also used as the label for the Gate Keepers
or Guards who protected spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
- Water
The third element of the alchemical tradition. Water is the essence
of love and fertility, the element of the south and the nature
of emotions.
- Wheel of Life
A 'wheel' or symbolic circle divided into directional sections
(North, South, East, West etc.). Each section contains a certain
energy, which designates specific uses, meanings or the existence
of certain energy patterns. The East represents fire, the sun
and the place for communication as an example.
- White Magik
Magik is neither good or evil, because life is made up of both
aspects. However a witch who practices only "good"
Magik, that which does not interfere with an others free will,
choice or spiritual lessons, is said to practice White Magik.
- Wicca
An O.E. noun meaning "male witch, wizard, soothsayer, sorcerer,
magician;" the male form of wicce. Use of the word in modern
contexts traces to English folklorist Gerald Gardner (1884-1964),
who is said to have joined circa 1939 an occult group in New
Forest, Hampshire, England, for which he claimed an unbroken
tradition to medieval times. Gardner seems to have first used
it in print in 1954, in his book "Witchcraft Today".
Gerald Gardner's followers (c.1954) established the tradition
of Wica as a form of Witchcraft. In later years, one of Gardner's
students assumed he spelt the word incorrectly Wica instead of
the 'old world' spelling of Wicca and that he chose this word
because of it's 'masculine association for a male witch'. Today
his tradition is known as Wicca. When we say Wicca today, we
are talking about the modern tradition of Wicca established by
Gerald Gardner.
- Wicce
OE - a wise woman, shaman, or priestess in Germanic paganism,
later in Norse paganism, and are a recurring motif in Norse mythology.
Derived from Proto-Germanic - The Old Norse word Völva meaning
"wand carrier" and it continues Proto-Germanic *walwo-n,
which is derived from a word for "wand" (ON völr).
Vala, on the other hand, is a literary form based on Völva.
Other names were seiðkona for women and seiðmaðr
for men. When we say Wicce, we are speaking of a woman who utilizes
her knowledge and skills of Energy Manipulation to provide guidance
to those who seek her counsel.
- Widdershins
(Sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) - To move
in a counter-clockwise motion. However, in certain circumstances
it can be used to refer to a direction which is against the light.
Such as being the opposite of Deasil (clockwise or in motion
with the sun).
- Witch
O.E. wicce "female magician, sorceress," in later use
"a woman supposed to have dealings with the devil or evil
spirits and to be able by their cooperation to perform supernatural
acts." Use of the word in modern context refers to any person,
female or male, who practices the science of energy manipulation/magik.
It has been associated primarily with the religion of Witchcraft,
but the label is used amongst other practitioners in other religions,
including Christianity, especially Christians from northern Spain,
Latin America and various Celtic regions. When we speak of witch
we are talking about any person who practices magik along with
their own personal spiritual belief, be it Witchcraft, Christian,
or some other form of religious practice. Those that do not practice
magik with or on a spiritual path are not witches, but rather
Ceremonial Mages. The label "witch" distinguishes a
person who practices magik with religion, vs. one who only practices
- Witchcraft
OE - wiccecraft. The practice and beliefs held by the neo-pagans.
An indo-European magical religion or the religion of the Witch.
Witchcraft was first declared a crime in Eng. law in 1542; trials
there peaked in 1580s and 1640s but fell sharply after 1660.
The last, in 1717, ended in acquittal. The Witchcraft Act was
repealed 1736. Earlier documented use of the word occurs c1480
in OE papers documenting the negative influences of the Witch
and her efforts to consort with the devil. Some believe this
to be the precursor or beginning movement against neo-pagan practices
and the start of the Inquisitions of Europe.When we say Witchcraft,
we are talking about a religion that holds a common set of Nature
based fundamental beliefs and practices. These beliefs include
a deep desire to live in harmony and balance with ones natural
world (seen and unseen), a respect for all things, reincarnation
and karma, the believe that all things are connected on both
a physical and spiritual/soul level through energy and the God/Goddesses
or Divine, that this energy can be utilized to advance the soul
toward spiritual enlightenment. This certainly isn't a complete
list of all the practices and beliefs of the religion, but is
offered as a general synopsis.
- Wizard
(Anglo-Saxon) Includes both sexes; One who is born with naturally
given talents and energies who practices Magik and who adheres
to the pagan traditions. A wizard usually acts alone and is sometimes
is considered to be a semi-divine authority.
- X
A place holder. A magikal symbol used in place of an unknown
or secretive element.
- Yang
(China) Energy that contains a positive or masculine charge of
Polarity. It's active and has the characteristics of sunlight,
fire, strength and heaven. It is the white side of the yin/yang
- Yin
(China) Energy that contains a negative or feminine charge Polarity.
It's has the characteristics of darkness, the moon, weakness
and water. It is the black side of the yin/yang symbol.
- Yin/Yang
(China) The symbol of divine polarity. The balance of all things.
It indicates that everything in and around the universe has an
- Zen
(China, Japan) A branch of Mahayana Buddhism. A highly intellectual,
metaphysical philosophy, concentrating on meditation to reach
enlightenment. It is not a religion, nor is there communication
with the etheric world.
- Created: 04.08.1999 Updated: